The Rain

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Matty's POV:

I stumbled home after Gus and I helped clear up the rubble from the Looking Glass Ruins. I used my spare key to open the door, hoping my mom wasn't home, and luckily for me, she wasn't.

"Hey Matty." My older brother, Steve, walked past me, a bag of fried Griffin Eggs in his hands.

I blinked and walked upstairs to my room. I face-planted onto my bed, not bothering to close my door or turn on the light. I yawned. I hadn't slept lately, and I was hoping to finally get some sleep. I rolled over and stared at my ceiling, smiling at the glow-in-the-dark stars that Steve had painted on my ceiling when I was younger. Memories came back to me.

Memories of when everything was better.

When we were happy.

When I wasn't broken.

[3 Hours Later]

I jolted up and swore loudly. I had fallen asleep. I might've missed something important.

"Hey Matty, you okay?" Steve asked, walking into my room. I nodded weakly, pasting a smile on my face. "Well, I'm making us some dinner, since Mom isn't coming home tonight..." He said lightly, before he turned and closed my door.

I sighed and turned onto my side, and summoned my scroll. Gus had given me his Penstagram, and he had already DM'd me.

Hey Mattholomule!
You awake?

Yeah, hey Augustus.

I waited a few minutes for his response, until I put it away when Steve called me down. I slid down the banister, getting a sudden burst of energy after my rest. We sat and ate in silence before Steve went to watch a movie and I went back to my room. I checked my scroll again and smiled when I saw that Gus had responded.

Hi Mattholomule!
What's up?

The sky dumbf*ck.
But seriously, I just ate and stuff.
IDK. I'm just bored.

Me too.
Do you want to meet up?
If you want?

Oh, sure.
Looking Glass Ruins?

What about the park?

Okay, see you there!

I put my scroll away again and changed into a t-shirt and jeans, wrapping a sweatshirt around my waist. I put my shoes on and ran downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Steve called.

I stopped at the door. "... Going for a run in a while. Just contact me if you need anything." I muttered, running outside and jogging to the park. I sat on a random bench and waited for Gus.

"Mattholomule, hey!" Gus yelled, running up to me. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, with flip-flops. "Sorry I'm late, my house is kinda far away."

I waved. "Hey Augustus." He smiled and sat next to me. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just think that I want to spend more time with you. Like, as friends." He explained, waving his hands as he talked. I looked down at his hands and blushed a tiny bit, thinking that it was sort of cute. "Uh, are you okay?" Gus asked.

I'm Not Romantic [Gustholomule]Where stories live. Discover now