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Gus's POV:

"Matty!" I yelled, hugging him tightly.

He groaned. "Watch the stomach Gus." Matty had been discharged from the healing center the day after he was put in, since the healers on duty were very good, and the fact that Matty was a fast healer. He was able to go home with us, along with a ton of pain relieving potions, and instructions to be very careful with Matty.

"Sorry Matty." I apologized. I grabbed one of the hair ties out of my pocket and tied his hair up. "How do the stitches feel?" I asked.

Matty glanced down at his stomach and arms, and shrugged. "I don't know. They feel kind of weird."

My dad came up behind us. "Okay kiddos. We're going home and grabbing some clothes for Matt and then going shopping." We nodded and Dad took us home.

Matty and I climbed up to my room and I rummaged through my closet. "Here." I said, throwing some leggings and a t-shirt at Matty. "Meet us downstairs."

A few minutes later, Matty came down the stairs with his shoes on. "I'm ready."

[At The Store]

Matty and I looked through clothes and he already had a few shirts, a few shorts, and some jeans. He gasped and held up a sweatshirt that had spots that matched the cow stuffie I gave him.

"By the way, what did you name your stuffed animal?" I asked, adding the sweatshirt to my arm with the other clothes he picked up.

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing." Matty said, reaching over to pick at his arms. I grabbed his arm and put it down.

"I don't care." I said, letting go of his arm.

Matty looked at a flannel jacket and avoided my eyes. "Meemoo." I could see his face reddening and I grinned.

"It's a cute name." I said, hugging him from behind. I suddenly remembered something I wanted to ask him. "So... Grom is in a few days."

Matty turned around and I let go of him. "Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you..." I blushed. "W-want to go with me?"

Matty's face immediately reddened. "A-as friends, right?"

"If you want." I said, disappointed.

Matty grinned. "Then okay! I need a Grom outfit then."

I nodded and took him over to formal wear. "I also need a new suit, since I hit a growth spurt." I said, picking out a black and blue suit.

"I don't really feel like wearing a suit..." Matty said, looking over the different outfits.

I smiled. "A dress then?" I caught his confused expression. "Yeah, I don't mind. I've tried cross-dressing before. Can't really pull it off." I grinned and shrugged.

Matty tackled me with a hug. "Thank you for being like this!" I patted his back and then brought him over to the dresses. He picked out a black and blue knee length dress, with a white ribbon around the waist.

"We'll match!" I said, ruffling his hair. "Come on, let's get some more stuff." We picked out a sundress and a couple of skirts for Matty too, then met my dad to check out.

"Who are the dresses and skirts for?" Dad asked.

Matty glanced at me and shrugged. "Matty." I replied. Dad nodded and paid, then took us home.

"I still need to get you a bed, Matt." Dad said. "It probably would be best if it had guardrails to make sure you don't fall out and hurt yourself." Matty nodded, and we both went up to my room.

"Do I still have to sleep with you?" Matty asked, putting his clothes in a stack in the corner of my closet.

"I assume so." I sat on the bed and Matty laid next to me. I booped his nose and he smiled. I grabbed Meemoo and put him on my lap.

Matty glared at me and grabbed Meemoo. "Mine." He said, kissing Meemoo's head. I laughed and blushed. Matty swung his feet off the bed and stood up. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Sure." I also stood up and pulled my shoes on and Matty did the same. We locked hands and said goodbye to my dad. We walked to the park and sat down on a bench to let Matty rest. "So, why'd you want to go on a walk?"

Matty leaned back and bit his thumb. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted to get outside."

Gus nodded. His scroll dinged and he took it out. "Luz is having a pre-Grom sleepover."

"Oh really?" Matty replied, sounding disinterested.

I nodded. "She invited Amity, Willow and Hunter."

Matty sighed. "That's cool."

"She also said that you can come if you want." I smiled at Matty and he looked back at me, shocked.

"Really?" He exclaimed. "I can come?"

"Of course, yeah. I told Luz that you were living with me now, right after you came home from the healing center. She said that if I trusted you, the rest of the group could, so you're our friend now! So, of course, you come along with us for friendship gatherings." I explained.

Matty smiled. "Thanks I guess."

"You are so welcome." I said again, closing my eyes. Matty slipped his hand into mine. I sighed contentedly.

"I'm happy right now." Matty said, tightening his grip on my hand.

I nodded. "I am too."

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