4. Guard your heart well, dear one. (Part 2)

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She prays for a drought in the blues. The waves of emotion crash against her with an unrelenting force, threatening to swallow herself whole. Oh, how her heart aches. Her heart is a delicate garden, full of vibrant blooms and tender shoots that thrive in the light of truth and kindness. Though, when the poisonous seeds of iniquity are sown, they take root and spread like a virulent weed, choking out the beauty and life that once flourished there.

For like a butterfly with its wings torn asunder, she is marred forever by the cruel whispers of those who seek to tear her down. And though she may try to rise above it, to spread your wings and fly once more, the weight of their lies and deceit always hold her back, casting a shadow over all that she does.

I hope she guards her heart well, and tend to her garden with care. For though the winds of agony may blow, and the storms of slander may rage, the beauty and strength of her true character will always shine through, a beacon of hope and light in the darkness.

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