Chapter 3

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I hear my phone go off from under my pillow, I blink my eyes open to grab it and shut it off. I groan not wanting to wake up, however realizing that it's break makes me feel better.

I sit up and stretch, hearing my shoulder muscles crack and pop. I let out a sigh of relief as I get up to use the bathroom. However I glanced at my calendar before hand see today circled with a bright red marker.

But it hits me, reading Sam's house by 11:30. Right! Today is the day I basically babysit Sam, not a bad thing, just the easiest way to put it. I hop in the shower taking a quick one before hopping out, with a towel around my torso.

I grab a smaller towel to dry my hair in the mirror, however I quickly use it to wipe off the condensation that built on the glass. The thing with most wolves is that we all have thick hair, like really thick hair.

So taking care of it is a must. I brush it until there's no knots lingering in my hair, feeling like I'm playing tug or war with my scalp.

I get it brushed and then place my foggy glasses on my face before stepping out of the bathroom, I normally wear contacts but this would be easier for being at his house.

Continuing getting ready, I find a kinda old tee-shirt that I put on as well as my favorite pair of ripped skinny jean's. I quickly check my phone for the weather and seeing that it may get a slight breeze I grab a jacket and tie it around my waist.

I walk back into the bathroom to now style my hair and but on some face crap. I double check the time noticing that if I don't leave now I'm going to be late! I live quite far from the Alpha house, and being late would make a bad impression.

I then about to leave the house remember I need to pack a bag, I grab a small suitcase and filled it with different stuff I would need for the week. I then quickly count the amount of clothes I need and rush to the bathroom to gather my toiletries.

Then I remember that I forgot to brush my teeth! What the hell is wrong with me today. I pull out my toothbrush and toothpaste and brush my teeth. Wet the brush, put the paste on, then wet it again.

Brushing my teeth I notice the clock, it's 11:27... SHIT ITS 11:27! Holy crap, I'm late so late! I spit into the sink and wash off my brush before taking a literal dash into my room to grab my phone and keys before booking it out the door.

I rush down the stairs, skipping a couple of steps just to cut some time. Pushing past the doors I run to my car jumping in an pulling out to drive to his house.

However some dumbass stopped in the middle of the road, holding me up. Finally they moved and I was able to drive, but about more than half way to his house it dawns on me.

I left my bag.

NO! SHIT! I can't go back now, being late to the Alpha is looked as beyond rude. I wait at a red light an repeatedly bang my head into the steering wheel, groaning in annoyance.

I arrive at his house already six minutes late and I feel a wave of regret flow over me. I don't want to make a bad impression but I'm not turning around now and hurting Sammy's feeling.

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