Chapter 5

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My phone is the only thing keeping me sane. I'm not able to get a wink of sleep. I'm starting to wonder if it's even the bed anymore. My mind is feeling like an itch that could never be scratched.

Something keeping me constantly on edge, something that I couldn't understand. My eyes were for sure shifting between an angry orange and brown.

I wonder what Alice was going to say, she seemed pretty excited. But out of everything I said how could it make her excited? If anything I was venting to her, that normally makes people feel awkward not happy.

I put my phone down next to me on the bed. I saw the time reading 2:00 in the morning, I know everyone is asleep by now. My mind wanders a bit but and I wonder if Ellis is awake? Not to sure why but he comes up.

I wonder what he and Sam did today, did they have fun? I wish I got a better look at what he looked like, even if he was right in front of me I didn't actually get a good look.

After 20 more minutes I officially can't do this anymore and I get up to walk to the kitchen. I make sure to be quiet, opening the fridge to see some beer. I don't plan on getting drunk but maybe just enough to take this edge off.

I grab two and walk to the living room area, different from where the fireplace was. I don't turn on the tv, but rather just use my phone to watch meaningless junk.

I open the bottle with my hands and take small sips, I'm not a light weight per say but I also don't have a high tolerance so two is enough to get me tipsy.

After my second beer it was a lot more bearable, not really a good thing to say but at least I think I'm finally able to sleep. I see the pictures on the wall of every Alpha and there Luna from various packs.

Look at the dead middle to see my pack, I see my ancestors, my my dad, then me. I'm the only person on there with not mate next to me, actually, I'm the only person on that wall without one.

I get up to grab one more beer before slumping down in the couch again, the one thing I really hate about alcohol is how much it makes me feel like a loser, like I can't get my life straight.

I try to be a father and a leader but somehow feel like I fail at both. I put my phone down on the coffee table next to the beer and lay down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling till I fall asleep.


I feel an annoying tap on my face, and when I woke up I see Dani right up in my face. I immediately push him away, giving him and ugly glare before sitting up and stretching.

I hear him and all the other Alphas laugh, as I grab the bottles off the table. God they are such children. "Ha! Man your sleeping on the couch now, really fitting the role of divorced dad!" I get up to throw them away but another Alpha Josh slung his arm around my shoulder before laughing and saying the same shit.

Nothing I never heard before, I hate having to go to these meetings and hearing there snarky comments. I know they say it because I have so much and I'm young and mate less, but it still sucks every time.

I go back up to my room to change, dressing up in a suit before doing going to attend my meetings. I went to about three when I saw Alice again, she was talking with some of the other Luna's.

She saw me waiting for her conversation to be over, so she waved them off and walked over. "Okay, so, I have some news that will blow your head off. But you have to take it with a grain of salt okay?" I nod for her to continue and she does.

"What you were describing was the aftermath of meeting your mate." I stand up straight and give her a weird look. My mate? No. There is not a chance I've met my mate. "No, it is not. I would know if it is, it must be something else." I felt my eyes go to a bright golden-yellow before settling on plain yellow.

She laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. "Jax, I need to to believe me when I say it is. It's a common side effect, and plus you wouldn't know it even if it hit you in the face." No... it can't be true. After all this time I found them? But why now?

She stops giggling and gives me a sympathetic look. "I know you have given up all this time, but you need to believe me when I tell you this is a sign. You should leave this place early and find them, you won't be any closer waiting around here."

She gives me another sympathetic smile and walks away, but im still in shock so I just stand. After how my life had turned out, with a kid and a few to many ex-girlfriends I'm not to sure I deserve a mate.

I gather my composure and walk away to go to my meeting.

After the meeting I quickly walk back up to my room, I can't focus on anything! And part of me really wants to leave... so maybe she is right. Maybe I do have to leave to find them, or maybe not find?

I should listen to her... I've waited this long? Why not risk it even if it isn't my mate


End of chapter 5

I'm so sorry for how long this took, and how short the chapter is. It is a filler but one step closer to them truly meeting!

Thank you for reading and 500 hundred reads! Holy cow, thank you so much!

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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