Chapter 4

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I arrive at the annual Alpha meeting and everything goes smoothly, until we get to the point where we have dinner.

Dinner is when everyone including there Luna gets to eat and enjoy dinner, everyone expect me.

I get to eat of course but alone, and I definitely get treated differently. And part of it I get, I went out with other woman to cover the fact that I'm mate-less.

And got one of them pregnant... which I still haven't lived down, but now I've came to terms with it. I have worked my way up and earned my seat at the table.

However the worst part about lunch is the fact that there's Luna's, now they themselves are fine but the questions they ask.. aren't.

They give me tips and tricks on ways to get a mate or attract them or whatever dumb shit they come up with.

God I sound like such an ass.

"So Jaxton, we've understood that you will be continuing the Alpha title officially without a Luna." I pull myself out of my thoughts and give him a dirty look.

"I have been Alpha by myself for years and have done it successfully, so I don't see it as a problem anymore." He gives me an annoyed glare but nods. Because I have done a good job.

We continued with the meeting, this one was long due to the sizes of our packs.

We wrap up todays meeting, mostly discussing any new locations that may benefit our packs as a whole.

I lay down in the springy bed adjusting myself trying to get confortable. Until I hear my phone start to buzz, I open it too see that it's an unknown number.

I answer, remembering I never got his number. "Hello? Ellis?" He calls to talk about borrowing clothes, he mentions going to get clothes tomorrow with Sam but I refuse.

It was actually one of the things we talked about, the apartments. Omegas are treated poorly and we know it, however we were actually talking about renovating them.

They are shabby and quite small, but what's stopping us is the people, specifically betas who don't want it to be renovated.

But us Alphas normally mate with Omegas and I... they do treat them well. I mean I see them meet up with them after meetings. Very happy to be reunited.

I excepted that I would never truly have that, and learn to live without it but do wonder what I did to deserve it.

I tell him to just use my clothes, not to bother with going there especially with Sam. He seemed bothered with me saying that, to be fair I did have an unnecessary tone.

He hangs up and I place my phone on the bedside table, and my mind wonders back to earlier today with that smell. It was something I never experienced.

I wanted to ask one of them about it but it wasn't the appropriate time so I never did.

I roll around in my bed, I miss the one I have at home. Rolling around I feel irritated, irritated by something more than just this uncomfortable bed.

It gets so bad that I get up and walk outside of my room. I walk to the lounge area, where I see Adams mate Alice sitting on the love seat near the fire.

She's kind, one of the few that don't bombard me with questions and suggestions. "Hey Mr Wayne." She says with a slight smile.

"Hello Alice, where is Adam?" I ask, sitting on the couch across from her. "Oh he went up to unpack our bags, he should be down here soon. What are you doing still up?"

I huff and stare at the fire, it roars while the logs stay there helpless. "I can't sleep, and actually I have a question for you." She perks up even more slightly turning her head waiting for me to continue.

"It was something that happened before I left, my son is staying with his teacher and something is off about him." A slight smirk plays on her lips as I continue.

"He came over to stay at our place and at first it was somewhat fine but then it got weird. He wasn't weird but there was a weird smell, which sounds kinda gross but still."

Her smirk turned into a smile. "It wasn't bad but it was different, nothing like I came across, and it only went away when I left.. and only appeared when he arrived."

She had a lot of surprise and happiness. "Was he and Omega?" She asked, and I nodded. "Mr Wayne, do you know what this means?" I shock my head, "Why what does it mean- Hey Jaxton what are you doing here?"

We turn to see Adam walking up to sit next to Alice, being slightly territorial. "Me and him were making conversation while I was waiting for you." She got comfortable next to him, putting her head on his shoulder.

"But we can talk later, right now I'm exhausted." He nodded and picked her up bridal style, she giggled at him as they flirted back and forth. He walked her to their room and closed the door.

I was left by myself, just me and fire all alone. My eyes stared at the wall with a yellow hue, I wanted to know what she was going to say.

To be fair i have been a little on edge today, something is bothering me and I don't know why. Nothing has been out of the ordinary, well... except for Ellis. He is the only thing different that I have had to deal with.

But it made no sense to me. Something like this shouldn't make me weird like this, unfocused and forgetful. I'm an Alpha, we are the sharpest and strongest for a reason, now all of a sudden I'm faltering. No. Something must be wrong with me internally, or mentally, it's the only proper explanation for these mishaps.

I stand up and put out the fire, the wood making a hissing sound as it turns into a puff of smoke. I walk back to my room and close the door. I'm hesitant on laying down on the bed but know I'll have to eventually.

I wish I get the nice rooms that the couples get, it's a bigger and better bed, and im sure there's a spare room somewhere. But regardless I fall asleep, I know this is going to be my life anyway for the next week so why bother.

However, deep down in the pit of my stomach I know something is up.


End of chapter 4

Sorry for it being a short chapter!

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