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Before Off could punch the hole in Earth's face New requested them to come inside the room and reminded them that they are all here to help Mix. Silently warning them not to upset him, though Dr. New saw Mix in new light as a smart, intelligent complex boy deep down he can feel Mix is as fragile as a cracked mirror ready to break anytime.

It was quite a big room with a beautiful garden outside the big window. He usually does the group therapy for his other patients here. So he brought everyone here. It is a big group therapy for everyone. Yes not only for Mix but to everyone this is a therapy to know themselves.  . New can see this one particular incident has left a deep scar in everyone. Committing a sucide is not simple more than the person who is dying, those who are left behind have lots inside them, each and everyone feeling guilty that they are the reason for this. The constant nagging pain, If they had done something differently they could have saved a life. Though they have saved Mix today they wanted to understand him so he wouldn't do it again.  As selfish as it may sound they also want to get out of the guilt that they are at fault.

"Can I?"

A rough voice has brought him out of his thoughts. He turned to see the handsome guy, who Earth claimed as the one who tried to kill him.

"You are First right?"

The guy nodded his head yes and asked him again, " can I go to him?"

New turned to look at Mix who was watching outside as usual not minding who was in the room, he looked like he was deep in thoughts but it was just an empty stare.

"You can try" because New know that Mix wouldn't speak to anyone if Earth was not mentioned in the conversation or atleast he sees Earth. But that doesn't mean he cannot stop trying. He let First to approach him to see what would be Mix's reaction, will it be the same empty stare. He could bet 90% on it, but he also knew that Mix would give him the worst surprise of all time. He saw First crouch down to the level of Mix and slowly reach his hand to the soft cheeks. Mix flinched at first he didn't see who it was but when he saw it was First, he relaxed in the touch. First eyes glistened with tears.

They were just acquaintances right? But New could feel they have some deeper bond. First took the hand that was injured and held it gently as the tear dropped on his cheeks.

"You made many people worry Mix"

Mix saw the man straight in his eyes. Is he really worried for him? Deep inside Mix considered First as his closest friend, he won't say that out. He never said that to First too. When he first entered the office he was running around like headless chicken and First was the one who help him out many times. And he learnt many things from First. They would hangout too sometimes but as days progressed they become busy in their own works and lost touch. Nevertheless First has contacted him many times to inquire how he is doing. But would he cry for him? Does First also consider him a friend? He didn't know that until today. It was actually First who surprised him.

First poked his forehead. "What have I told you? Huh. If anything I asked you to come running to me na?" First voice raised as the tears dropped.

"We were together in this hell hole na? How can you leave me behind?"

"am I just another person in the hallway?"

Mix was left speechless., they both joined the company at the same time. From being a contract employee to permanent employees they both were together but Mix never thought anything about it. He never asked whether they were friends? Do First care about him like he does? Truth to be told he was afraid of the answers to these questions. What if First said that he has friends already? What if he said they are not close to care about each other? Mix always had these insecurities...

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