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"whatever you are saying Janhae it doesn't prove that there is feelings involved between them. Earth is like a ticking time bomb ready to destroy anything in its path"

"Call him Master Earth...... "

Janhae said hastily and kept quiet.... "Sorry it was a habit, p'Mix never let anyone call him by his name, he always corrects them and tells them to call him MASTER. I felt like I had to do it now."

"Janhae this is what the problem is! Your "MASTER" Earth trying to control everything even the simplest of how to address him and Mix not seeing how problematic that is? It's almost like you are all slaves there. The over working, underpaid, having a narcissistic sadist for a boss. That makes you all a masochist. Which is also a problem...."

But Janhae chuckled hearing all things New said " do you believe we call him "MASTER" out of fear? Or because we were trained like that? "

New looked at her stunned, What is this new information? "Then why do you call him Master"

"We call him Master out of respect "

" Respect?"

"You say overworked and underpaid?.... We are paid double the salary of our counterparts in other companies. We don't overwork. We work to compensate the extra salary we are getting, there was never an employee who left the company dissatisfied. We get regular holidays and compensatory off, if you only look at p'Mix and think that we all work all the Saturday's and Sundays its your fault in assuming wrong. P'Mix just wants to stay with master Earth so he doesn't take holidays but regular employees have all the benefits of holiday. Also We don't terminate the workers who don't work well we reallocate them to where they can show their own talents. And every thing was Master Earth's ideas, ofcourse p'Mix helped him. When p'Mix came up with these ideas to keep the employees loyal in the company Master Earth could have dismissed it, they could have had more money but he didn't, he added his own policies to make the company even more a better place to work, I hope you speak to other employees too before making assumptions about Master Earth"

There was silence in the room.

Janhae broke the silence "But back to the topic i really think Master Earth has only one person in his heart and that is Mix. There may have been some twisted plays or intention between them but Master Earth will never give up Mix for anyone in this world"

"How do you say that?" New almost whispered because he was still not out of the information he got about Earth.

"When they had the fight a few days ago, Master Earth asked p'Mix to resign and angry p'Mix wrote the resignation and asked me to give to master, when I gave it to him, he tore the letter and burnt it. I was so afraid that master would snap my neck for just bringing that letter to him. "

"Ok let's just assume your thoughts about thier relationship is correct then why do you think we are all here ? Why such incident happened in your company? Why Mix had to attempt suicide?"

Janhae closed her eyes she doesn't want to recall that incident. It gives her chills when she thinks about the walls painted in red. It gives her nightmares. She blinked her eyes not to let the tears fall. "You are asking the wrong question to wrong person Dr. New". She could only look at them and gave an opinion on how they act outside but what's actually happening between them and what they are thinking, only they could answer that.

With that she prepared to leave, she turned to  " My father died on a trip to China, it was very difficult to get him back due to the legalities. They said it was suspicious death and couldn't let us have his body. I couldn't get any help here, i didn't have money to bribe too I know that's wrong but still it was my father. P'Mix was on a business trip with master Earth i couldn't take off from the office too....."

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