Chapter 92

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Ferris Wheel

The next day, when Toru Amuro woke up, he felt refreshed.

Probably because he let go of his worries, even the steps down the stairs became much lighter.

"So early?" Akira Lvchuan, who was making coffee, took out another cup and prepared to make another cup. "Where is Mr. Kurokawa?"

"Didn't wake up, he's so lazy." Toru Amuro stretched his waist and sat down at the dining table, ready to wait for being fed.

"In a good mood today?" Akira Lvchuan put coffee and sandwiches in front of him.

"Well, I slept well last night." Toru Amuro smiled and nodded, "Let's go shopping later, Scotland."

"Uh, okay." Lu Chuanming replied blankly, but seeing his energetic appearance, he suddenly had a thought - after only one night, Zero's mood suddenly improved, as if all the previous worries were gone, could it be? Yes... what happened last night? And depending on the situation, that incident should have little to do with Kurokawa Rin.

That's why he can be so relaxed.

"I'm back." At this moment, Zhu Xing opened the door and came in.

He was still wearing light sportswear for jogging, with a towel around his neck, even though it was a winter morning, faint sweat could still be seen.

"Take a shower, come down to have breakfast, and call Mr. Kurokawa by the way." Akira Midorikawa said.

"OK." Zhu Xing made a gesture and walked upstairs.

Toru Amuro didn't pay him any attention at all, he put the sandwich into his mouth with one hand, and clicked his phone to send a message with the other.

The investigation results should be sent to the director as soon as possible to remove Jing Guang's suspicion. And now there is another clue - what information does Yamato Sho know about the organization? If Yamato Xiang knows, can he start with that drug trafficking organization? Yamato Sho can't be the only one who knows.

Of course, even Yamato Sho's personal behavior doesn't matter, cracking down on drug trafficking is also the responsibility of the public security. To dig out one of these malignant tumors is a good thing for the benefit of the public!

After a while, footsteps came from the stairs.

Toru Amuro pressed the send button, looked at the "send successfully" displayed on the screen, deleted the record naturally, and put the mobile phone with the screen off at hand.

Akira Midorikawa just served everyone's breakfast on the table.

"You can rest for a while, and you can go out if you want to. Leave Tokyo and report to me." Kurokawa Rin said.

"I have nowhere to go anyway." Zhu Xingda showed no interest.

"Who isn't?" Lu Chuanming chuckled.

"It's still Chinese New Year after all." Rin Kurokawa looked at him, then at Toru Amuro, "Can I order food tonight?"

Toru Amuro couldn't help laughing, his brows and eyes were full of tenderness: "Scotland and I are going to go shopping later, order casually."

"It's a big tone." Kurokawa Rin smiled, "I still remember the black egg fried rice that someone fried for me two years ago."

"You can't finish turning black history every day!" Toru Amuro grabbed a sugar bag and threw it over.

"At that time, you looked very cute when you were trembling." Kurokawa Rin caught it, tore open the sugar bag and poured it into the coffee.

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