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So my school has this dance every year back to school this year it was themed like sports where your likes favorite sports team jersey jacket that's the dress code that's the only thing you can wear to get into the dance on top of that it's $20 admission for the dance and $5 for a little water bottle and like $5 for like a slice of pizza I was going to go but like it cost too much money I'm broke I'm kind of grounded I don't have my phone no one asked me and all of my friends are already going with friend groups mind you this dance was last night which was August 18th2023 so I was about to go to this dance and then I got grounded and I found out how much money it was so I told my friends yo I'm not going to this dance like it's too expensive it also sounds kind of boring and also I don't want to Jersey my friend was like oh you can wear I have a I have like a soccer jersey that you can wear and I was like I might wear that and then one of my other friends was like oh I have a Memphis Grizzlies basketball jersey that you can wear and I was like okay I'll wear them in Memphis Grizzlies NBA so when I got to this dance I left immediately I found out that you had to pay at school and I didn't bring money to school for like I didn't bring $20 to school to go to the stupid dance I was thinking about not going to so my friend's mom drop me off back at my house after she dropped off my friends that night my crush called my grandparents landline and left a message because he was like yo why weren't you at The Stance and so like me and my crush are best friends and he was like why weren't you at this dance blah blah blah stuff like that and I swear to freaking God my friend called me like at 12:00 in the morning last night and said I'm going to call my crush Greg it's not his real name but she was like Greg likes you Greg wouldn't dance with anyone any girl at the dance not even like his sister he wouldn't need to go near any of them because he found out that you weren't there and I was like what the crap I will update this on monday when i see him at school 


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