My crush

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here's the deal I have a crush on this guy at my school and he's reallyhey Google that's not nice I really hate you cool but he plays saxophone in my band class and the Velvet on the inside of this case is red so red case red flag also he is the same name as one of my friends and we have the same last name it's a wildly freaking popular last name it's Smith Smith is a wildly popular last name and so his name is I'm not going to say it actually I don't want to talk him out and he came up to me in the hallway yesterday and he asked me if I was going to the dance and I said no actually yeah I was like yeah I'm going to the dance I'm going to wear my friends Jersey and he was like oh cool I guess I'll see you there then I was like yeah and he was like are you going with someone and I I being stupid 8:00 a.m. me didn't register that he was about to ask me out and I said yeah I'm going with my friends he was like oh okay so that happened I ended up not going to dance and I haven't had my phone so he's probably blowing up my freaking phone I'm going to start crying in six period I mean fifth period because fifth period is banned and that's when that's my first class with him so how's your life going?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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