39. Sin City

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A nun was putting Bibles or hymnals in the pews. Candles flickered and there was a sound like wings fluttering. She got nervous for a moment, then turned around and was startled to see someone appear behind her.

Father Gil handed her another book and said, "One more. That's all for tonight, sister. Come on. Let me walk you to your car."

"Father?" Andy called.

Father Gil looked up to where Andy was standing on the balcony. "Andy?""

"Father, God's not with us." She paused a beat. "Not anymore."

"Andy, of course He is. Why would you say that? What's wrong?"

Andy panted. "He can't help us. And if He can... He won't." He produced a gun, which he cocked and placed under his chin.

"Andy, wait!"

Andy shot himself. The nun screamed as Andy's body slumped forward over the balcony wall. Father Gil looked sickened.


Bobby was working on the Colt, while Dean melted metal into bullets. Deanna sat next to her father, looking intently at what hewas doing. Bobby looked at a magnifying glass at the Colt, and looked at a diagram of parts.

Sam and Juliette walked/wheeled in and said, "Hey."

Dean looked up. "Hey, what's up?"

"Might've found some omens in Ohio," Sam informed. "Dry lightning, barometric-pressure drop."

"Well, that's thrilling."

"Plus, some guy blows his head off in a church and another goes postal in a hobby shop before the cops take him out. Might be demonic omens."

"Or it could just be a suicide and a psycho scrapbooker."

"Yeah, but it's our best lead since Lincoln," Juliette said with a shrug.

"Where in Ohio?"

"Elizabethville. It's a half-dead factory town in the rust belt."

"There's got to be a demon or two in South Beach."

Sam smiled. "Sorry, Hef. Maybe next time. How's it going, Bobby?"

"Slow," Bobby replied.

"Eh, I tell you, it's a little sad seeing the Colt like that," Dean stated.

"Well, the only thing it's good for now is figuring out what makes it tick."

"So what makes it tick?" Sam asked.

Bobby looked up – not amused.

Sam held his hands up in amusement while Juliette smirked lightly.

Dean rose. "So, if we want to go check out these omens in Ohio..." he said, teasingly, straight-faced, "...you think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?"

Sam chuckled and Juliette grinned. Bobby stared at him incredulously before saying, "Well, it won't kill demons by then," he paused a beat, "but I can promise you it'll kill you."

Dean smiled. "All right, come on, we're wasting the daylight."

"See you, Bobby," Sam said.

"Can we leave Deanna here?" Juliette asked.

Bobby nodded. "Sure."

Juliette smiled at Deanna. "Be good for Uncle Bobby, darling."

Deanna smiled sweetly amd nodded.

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