chapter 2 🌠 the first day of chaos

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After last night y/n was all tucked in her bed wondering how her first day will be, after a while she fell asleep on the comfortable mattress and under the comforting blanket

In the morning

A knock was heard at her door,before she could say anything Riddle came inside her room
"good morning y/n, please get ready so we can eat breakfast" Riddle didn't look straight at her in case she was changing when he walked in
"oh yes just give me a minute thank you Riddle" said the small lady, after she said that Riddle imediatly left the room not wanting to interfere in her morning routine.

A couple minutes later she walked down the stairs in a uniform with a white blazer, a black a white bow arm band,a black Jacket with golden trimming and her pendant in her pocket slightly sticking out.
The people sitting at the table were shocked to see the girl in their dorm, the first person to speak was a boy with ginger hair and a diamond mark on his cheek
"wow housewarden you kept a girl from us? #notcool" is what he said looking at Riddle before Riddle himself replied
"actually this is night raven college's first official girl student, she apparently fits in every dorm so she will switch to a different one everyday" Riddle looked at the ginger while saying that.
"Ohh well can i take a picture with you? You look absolutely stunning!" Exclaimed the ginger looking at the girl
"oh sure i don't mind" said the girl having a shy tone
"great! Now smile!" Y/n gave off a small sweet smile while looking at the camera "great now I'll post this on magicam! What's your name?" Asked the ginger
"I'm y/n kinomoto" replied the girl looking at the boy who was absolutely excited to post the picture
"and done!oh by the way my name's cater ,but you can call me cay-cay if you feel cray-cray!" Exclaimed cater. Y/n simply nodded before turning back to Riddle "Riddle do you have a book with the queen of hearts rules? If I'm going to be here i at least want to make sure to follow them" riddle looked at her in shock that she was actually willing to learn them instead of being forced to so she could get out of trouble.
"Well there's 810 rules in total, but yes i do have a book, would you want to borrow it?" Is what riddle asked the girl before now waiting for her answer
"oh yes please!" Exclaimed a happy y/n "then before heading to savanahclaw after school please make sure to stop here" replied Riddle.

After they finished eating breakfast y/n hurried to be early so she could have a look around campus, she ran because of how excited she was to head there but she suddenly bumped into a ginger haired boy with a heart near his eye
"hey watch it!" Said the now angry boy before he looked at y/n. The second he looked at the little lady he blushed of embarrassment
"oh uh- i mean kindly watch where you're going next time.." y/n laughed at how fast he switched up
"sorry for bumping into you! Are you alright tho? You seem to be very red?" Asked a curious y/n before the boy replied
" oh I'm fine thank you... Aren't you that girl from the ceremony who summoned that weird water Spirit and air spirit with cards?" Y/n looked shocked
"well yes that's me, I'm y/n kinomoto it's nice to meet you!'' She still put on a smile even though he called her precious clow cards weird spirits.
"I'm ace trapola nice to meet ya " replied ace "if your interested in seeing the cards ace i always carry the book with me so i can let you have a look at them?" Said the girl while she was still looking at ace who he was now... Happy?
"Uhm I'd like that yes please.."ace said mumbling to himself
"great!" Said a very happy lady before she took out the book from her pocket shocking ace by how it looks
"so this is where you put all those uhm cards?" Asked ace before looking at the girl "yep but oh look at the time we should go!" After y/n said that she took ace's hand
"how about i do a little trick to make us faster?" Is what followed her action
"what do you mean?" Asked ace looking at the lady who got out a card with 'dash' at the bottom of it. The girl held her pendant before it glowed and turned into the staff that she had during the ceremony. Ace looked shocked before talking
"your going to use the card?" Y/n looked at him them nodded. She then threw the card in the air before touching it with her staff "as your master i order you to lend me your power! Dash!" Then y/n who still held onto ace's hand started to run being as fast as ever.while running she turned her staff back into it's pendant form putting it back into her pocket before asking ace a question "what class are you in?" Ace still shocked answered her question
"1-A" y/n smiled
"alright then were in the same class! Keep holding my hand we are almost there!" After sometime they finally made it to the front of the classroom door while students who were in the hallway were still shocked by the girl and boy who ran past them feeling a slight breeze from it.
"Alright now get in were here!" Y/n entered the classroom first while ace followed her behind. As soon as they got to their seats the bells rang and a man who looked like he probably was the teacher entered the room "welcome to my classroom my name is divus crewel, but to all off you puppies it will be master crewel!"

After the lesson was over

"Miss kinomoto could you please stay i would like to talk to you" said the teacher
"Oh of course sir!" The girl replied before turning around gesturing ace to go on ahead .
"I'm so glad that idiot bird brain finally let a girl into the school, but anyways back to the main topic. Crowley asked me to make you a personalized girl uniform for not only each dorm but for school, and no need to thank me or pay me it was my utmost pleasure making these." The teacher who looked very glad and proud of his work looked at y/n as he said that. Then he gave the girl a small gym bag before speaking again
"everything is in there,oh and for gym class i made Crowley make you a girls locker room to change." The girl looked really happy "thank you mister crewel!"replied the girl waiting for the teacher to speak
"now off you go your friend is waiting for you"

After y/n left she walked along the halways for a while untill finding ace in the cafeteria with a blue haired boy. She noticed the cat from the ceremony on the chandelier then looked back at ace who was yelling
"get back here you furball!" The blue haired boy looked panicked
"here I'll help you get him! I'll just launch you and you catch him" said the blue haired boy to ace, both of them not noticing the girl running at them to stop them
"what are you stupid?! Don't do that-" the blue haired boy had lifted up ace in the air before he could even finish talking the he launched ace in the direction of the cat "fgnaaa! What are you doing human-" the cat was caught by ace but the second ace got to the ground, the chandelier started to fall. Y/n not aware of this was running towards ace making sure he's okay, the blue haired boy noticed her and she was about to get hit by the chandelier
"miss, look out!" As y/n heard his voice she barely had time to act but she pulled out a card named 'the shield's and her staff
"i call upon you shield!" She quickly said as she was in rush. Then right after then barrier that the shield made appeared the chandelier hit the ground. Ace had a worried face on as he quickly rushed to where she was only to see an unharmed y/n standing in the middle of the crashed and destroyed chandelier
"Y/n? Are you alright?!" He rushed to her checking for any injuries before the girl stopped him
"I'm fine ace but now I'm afraid of how I'm going to explain this to the headmage if i didn't know why you two were chasing after that cat..." A voice was heard behind all of them
"explain what to me?" Y/n turned around in shock to see the headmage standing there arms crossed and a disappointed look on his face

Welcome to the end of this chapter I'm sorry it took me so long to upload i was trying to find ideas and i wanted to make sure it kind off matched the game plot in a way. But anyways hope you enjoyed!

Total of words: 1573 words

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