card captor: incorrect quotes 2

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Alright it's in between chapters so it's time for an incorrect quotes chapter ladies and gentlemen and people


Riddle: once again, no you cannot befriend the dragon y/n.

Y/n : but why not friend if friend sized

Riddle: i can't believe I'm saying this but oh for fucks sake


Malleus: we at diasomnia live very well and in comfort

Sebek: i agree with the young master

The both of them holding signs thay say ' please send help'

Lillia: and we each love dinner time don't we?

Behind all of them was y/n passed out foaming from the mouth

Lillia: don't we?

Malleus and sebek nodding


Y/n: I'm a very busy woman gentleman.

Ace: yeah what do you do that keeps you so busy then?

Y/n: i exist and breathe


Y/n : there is only one reason why i am the authors favorite

Eveyone else: what is it?

Y/n : because I'm not, the favorite is actually malleus

Malleus: wait, I'm the favorite?


Azul: i love my b-

Y/n walking into the room

Azul: my beautiful dormates and i am so glad of what they have become today.

Y/n walking out of the room

Azul slamming his hands onto the table

Azul: alright now listen here you son of a bitch, i love my business and i need money .


Leona: what if i had to choose between having the omnivore as a girlfriend or having her as my wife what would i choose you say?

Leona chuckled

Leona: she's already my wife she just doesn't know it yet

Ruggie:keep telling yourself that asshole!

Leona:oi! Shut it Ruggie!


Vil: during an interview i once got asked who the cute little lady with me was.

Y/n : aw and what did you say?

Vil: told them you were my soon to be wife.

Y/n: is that...Rizz?!


What would the dorm leaders say when they get asked who y/n is?

Riddle: my beautiful friend

Leona:my smart wife

Azul: a beautiful woman who i could never replace no matter what

Kalim: a girl with a smile that can compare to jewels!

Vil: my soon to be wife

Idia: my really op wifu

Malleus: my queen,my enchanting lady,my wife,my darling and my everything


Ace,deuce and y/n decided to have a sleepover

Ace: alright then let's all go to sleep now good night


Y/n :night you two

Ace turned off the light

Not even a minute later

Y/n : the Egyptians believed the most significant thing they could do in their life was die


Vil: epel do not encourage y/n please enough havoc has been made

Y/n : epel... Let us devour the unborn.

Epel: wtf y/n even I'm creeped out by this

Y/n: what? I meant eggs?

Vil: rook let us take cover away from the chaotic child

Rook: i agree roi du poison


Y/n : i believe Crowley owes me a large sum of money

Ace: what the hell did he do?

Deuce: yeah what does he need to pay you for?

Y/n : the free therapy....


Crowley in s video meeting with Ambrose

Ambrose: crowley i have reasons to suspect your students terrify you

Crowley: what? No, how could you think that?

Crowley holding a paper that just says help on it

Y/n: keep talking you bird man.


I believe that is all for today

I do be loving to make these little in between chapters because they are hilarious as hell and you cannot tell me otherwise

Well anyways buh bye now

Word: 605

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