Kiss Concept PART ONE

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Note; as we are well aware, there will be an end of season kiss... that is rumoured to be disliked... so heres a concept of how it MIGHT go down. Im already tasting my own pain


"i dont know, thats why im so afraid", still looking down at the blanket, tightening his grip in an anxious flurry. His cheeks flush just thinking about her, heating his face until he feels like boiling over. why? why shin ae?

of course he knows why he's afraid. Yui, Alyssa and even prison is starting to seem like a lesser of all the evils. How much danger can yui put shin ae in during his absence? what if he stays? thats too late though, he has no other choice.

his absence. his mind is ticking. 3 months of prison and then another 3... 3 years. oh god. 3.25 years of her alone, at risk. its too late, theres nothing else he can do. he's stuck in this rut like a rat in a trap.

his mind ticks back to the formal.


"Good afternoon, dickface" she whispers in Min Hyuks ear as he leaps out of his skin. not so manly for a judo star but thats fine, puts her more at an advantage.
"Jaysus shin ae, what the hell was that for??" he felt his heart tear out of his chest.
"You were supposed to wake me when Dieter came, asshole" she complained plenty loud enough.
"He said to leave you asleep, i wanted to scream in your ear but he said to leave you be" he defended him self, seemingly winning this squabble.

why wouldn't Dieter let her come? hes gone to the hospital so wh- oh lord. her face shallowed as realisation hit. hes having THAT conversation with Yeongi. She needed to get to that hospital. Fast.


"Yeongi, you need to talk to her. not me" Dieter's probably the least angry person. like, ever. he's basically a big fluffy butterfly bear... or just a cute bear all together, "Look, im not saying everyone has to love someone but i know shin ae - and i know that look on your face". He's right, dead on the nail actually. these feelings weren't ignore able, she made him feel valued, seen, like a somebody for one time in his life.

"I don't want to hurt her anymore" he puts his head in his hands, avoiding bending too much in fear of the canular in his arm.
"I hate to bring this up, but..." Dieter prepares himself for what comes next, "What about-"
"Alyssa?" Nol interrupts.
"that already crossed my mind"

the door silently opens, the two boys unaware of it entirely. Leaning against the door frame, she listens into the echoed room.

"She doesnt mean anything to me. Not really." he sighed "i cant lie to you dieter. i dont love her and i never will, shes nothing like me and i honestly even now cant believe the notion of me being with someone like her. It disgusts me".  His focus turns to the window, gazing into the mist of ash like snow. The formal is still lingering in the back of his mind. everything he could've and should've done, who his priorities really stood for. Taking another breath, he looks back at dieter, a shocked but not dumbfounded look across his face - almost like a tiny part of him understood and anticipated this. "Its not that i hate her, shes just become this person i have to push away. someone i cant bare to look at"

Her body ran with chills, soaking up every last letter. Unlike her entrance, she slammed the door - running as fast as her feet could carry her. some how, she returned to that same balcony where she watched the sunrise before. The sky was not oranges and amber, her energy was matched by a deep grey, enveloping all light that touched it. her body fell into the balcony wall, keeping her from laying upon the blanketed ground. her tears turned to a deep, agonising wailing that was full of deep heartache and mourning. Not mourning herself but whatever love she thought was alight, whatever string to connect them. she was mourning them. Her arms gave way, tumbling her to the ground onto the frozen dust, no energy to even lift her head. She just lied cold and alone.

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