[Archive 1: Abusing my sanity and neglecting my mental health]

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[Let's start this with the fanfic category that introduced me to RWBY... the Abused and Neglected Male Reader... what a great way to start huh?]

[Basically, fics that involve this category tell the story of an insert who suffers with abuse and neglect on a daily basis. He is beaten, starved, verbally abused, locked in a room every second he isn't forced to do chores around the house and straight up fucking raped... and some how he is still alive. How? I have no absolutely zero idea]

[Anyway, after going through all that over an over again, and somehow surviving, he decides to run away from that hell hole of a home... and then these things happens]

[Seriously, all of the things happens in every single one of those fics]

[First, the insert gets adopted on the Rose-Xiao Long family, go through all the shit i said before, get done with that shit, finds an way out of his prison and runs away. But not before leaving an letter behind to say to the family how fucking awful they are]

[After that, the insert almost dies in the middle of the forest to Grimm, or some other random shit, but is saved by some OP character who also take him home like a puppy and train him]

[When the family finds the letter, they read and cry because they suddenly care about the insert and feel terrible about almost killing and FUCKING RAPING HIM]

[The insert becomes OP after the timeskip, gets send to Beacon due to some wacky ass reason, meet his old family and gets a harem. He then proceeds throws a tantrum every fucking time he sees Ruby and Yang]

[Around chapter 4 or 5, the family reunion happens since Ozpin thought the insert just ran away or got kidnapped, he once again thorws an tantrum and gets slapped by Tai, resulting into a fight where the insert can have his revenge and show off how cool and powerfull he is. And after all that... the insert forgives the family, for some fucking reason, and the girls join his harem while Tai gets murdered]

[Some lemons happen... and then the story gets discontinued]

[Seriously, i think i just summed up 80%-90% of these of stories]

[I have some problems with them, and the biggest of them all are how easily the insert forgive the people who treated him worse than an fucking animal and also FUCKIN RAPED HIM, FOR FUCKS SAKE, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FORGIVE SOMEONE AFTER THEY FUCKIN RAPE YOU?!]

[*Inhale*... *Exhale*... Well, that is what i wanted to say for now]

[See ya]

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