[Archive 3: I'm going to bash my head on a wall]

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[If you have been a Wattpad reader for some time already, or just read fanfiction in general, you know this term very well. But if you don't, then allow me and my experience to explain to you what it is]


[Bashing is a term used to refer to hate against a determined character or group, it's primarily used to call out the same characters and/or groups for bad things they got away with in their canon story... or at least it should]

[Bashing isn't exactly a bad thing, since it can be used for character development and make the character being bashed have a change of heart. But Wattpad authors do that?]

[Hahaha...! No]

[The only thing that bashing is used for is simple: To make their OCs and Self Insert look good and get some bitches. Cause they are the only good people in the whole world and are completely flawless... while also doing fucked up shit]

[Seriously, the ammount of hypocrite insert on this site is amazing...]

[Back to the topic. You must be asking to your self: "But what if the canon characters have no reason to be bashed?"]

[Easy, if that is the case then the authors will just do a complete 180 with their personalities and turn them into terrible people, take shit out of context to make them look evil or straight up not even interpretate shit]

[A great example of this are the High School DXD fics]

[The amount of times that Issei got disrespected in this site is infuriating, they made him a abuser, a criminal, a murderer and a literal rapist. I didn't watched DXD before reading the fics and i thought: "Wow, how is this guy the mc?"]

[And after watching the actual show, i was dumbfounded to see that he was actually a great guy. A pervert, of course, but a guy with a good heart who cares deeply for his friends and family, and will do everything to help them]

[And he isn't the only one who goes through that shit, Rias is also a victim of that bullshit. Those authors really think that she is a manipulative bitch, when she is actually best girl]

[She not only saved Issei from FUCKING DEATH, but also helped him to become stronger. Yeah, she had her own reasons to help him, but when you are engaged to a fucker like Riser you do become desperate to find a way out]

[If she was actually manipulative bitch, as many people on this site say she is, she would have let Riser kill Issei on that rating game on season 1, but she wielded so he could live]

[And on top of all that, she is an cute otaku girl, that's the dream of a lot of guys]

[Seriously, i know a guy that would trade me to a guatemalan human trafficker for a girl like that, and i don't blame him cause i would do the same... that was a joke by the way... kinda]

[But, anyway, that was everything i had]

[See ya]

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