Chapter 24. Special Date

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__Lisa's POV___

This past few days me and Jennie getting closer and closer. I'm always with her. We still making it lowkey. I don't know why but i want to take it to another stage. I always went to her room to wake her up in the morning and I sneaked out in the middle of the night just to cuddle her. Just like now she's in my arms. I cuddled her while i kissed her forehead and sniffing her hair.

"Lis, what are we?" Out of nowhere Jennie asked me. I was taken aback. I don't know what was our label right now. I love her and i know she was too but I don't want to rush things between us.

"Uhm?" I don't know what to say.

"Nevermind Lis, just don't.." i cut her off by kissing her sweet lips.

"I love you", i said and kissed her again like I don't want to stop it.

"I love you too", she said between our kisses. I smiled i know it she love me and I'm so excited to be her girlfriend. I will make a move now.

"Let's sleep now, i know you're tired, you did a lot of work today", i told her. After a few minutes i heard her little snores in my neck. I know she's already sleeping. How i love to stare to this beautiful woman beside me. She's ethereal. The light of the moon hits her mandu cheeks i want to pinch it. "You're only mine Jennie Kim", i whispered i don't know if she heard or not. Then slumber hits me.

Fast forward

Rosé decided to go back in Manila because the company needs her. We are now at the airport to dropped her. Rosé bid her goodbye to us.

"Lis take good care", then she hugs me. "Jen, be patient with her please", she said to Jennie and wink on us. I know she knows something private between me and Jennie and I'm happy that she respect it. "You're going home in a few days right?" She asked me and i nod. I saw Jennie glanced at me with a sad face.

Fast forward

We're heading back at the mansion. Silence eating us. None of us is talking. I cleared my throat. "Jen, do you think we can finished the work in 10 days?" I asked her.

"I don't know Lis", she answered back but looking at the outside.

"Jen..", i said and get her hand in her lap. I kissed it and stop the car.

'Why did you stop the car?" She asked and I saw the tears keep falling on her cheeks.

"Why are you crying my Nini?" I worriedly asked her. 

"In few more days...", She sob. ".. you're going back in the City and... And there's a possibility that we can't see each other again", she said. That make my heart shattered. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Let's spend my remaining days here memorable. I don't want to leave you like this", i whispered. She then faced me and kissed me. It was a smack. She nod and I start the car again. I don't want to leave her here. I will make her mine. I promised that.

---In my remaining 9 days--

First day of 9 days.

___Lisa's POV___

I wanted to surprised Jennie. I left earlier a rose with a note that we will meet at the ranch at her bedside table. It's time to use our favorite stallion - Knighty. It's 6am in the morning I don't know if she's already woke up by this time. I prepared the things we'll going to use on our special date. Yeah i call it a date. Manang Fe help me to prepare all the foods and the things we needed. I am very thankful because of their help.

___Jennie's POV___

I woke up, Lisa is not here by my side. I was disappointed by the thought but when i saw the red rose in my bed side i smiled. I know she left it for me and there's a note saying "good morning gorgeous, see ya at the ranch by 7. Lovelots, Lili". I was so happy and my heart beats so fast. Is it what she says we're making memorable memories together but the thought of her leaving makes me sad. "Why did you do this to me Lili?" I asked but I don't want to ruin her plan so I prepares. I do my morning routine and dressed. I drove the car heading to the ranch. Minutes later I get down the car and there I saw the most beautiful woman on earth. She's standing beside my Knighty. She's smiling that makes my world shine so bright. My sunshine headed to me and welcome me with a hug then whispered in my ear that she loves me so much. I kissed her cheek. "Let's go", she said and take me to Knighty. I saw a basket that I think full of foods. She guided me to ride on the back of Knighty then I adjust a little bit so she can sit with me. My back facing her. We're so close that her arms on my waist. Then we headed to our destination.

Fast forward.

This place is so comfy. Lisa said she prepared this. There's a little tent beside the river. The water was so clear and fresh that i wanted to swim. I saw fishes. "Is it a date Ms. Manoban?" I asked her. She frowned by what i addressed her.

"What do you think Ms. Kim?" She teasingly asked me back.

"Do you know your so sweet right now. I'm afraid that I will used to it", I said with a hint of sadness.

"Don't worry, I will ensure that you will enjoy this day my love", she said then backhugged me. In this simple things she did to me makes me happy. I don't want to cry so I held my tears back  She put her chin in my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "I love you", she whispered and smiled. "Let's eat Nini i know you did not eat breakfast right?" Then she placed the picnic mat and I help her take out the foods that she said she cooked. She's proud that she prepared it with the help of Manang Fe.

We devoured the foods. "Wow! It's so delicious!" I said and I saw Lisa blushed. "I didn't know you're a good cook Lis", she smiled.

"Actually I'm not, Manang Fe is a great help", she said and brushed her nape. "After this will go fishing", I nod. We fixed the plates and utensils.

"Nini" Lisa said. I faced her with a questionable look. She handed me a wild daisies. It's so beautiful. I don't know how she get it so fast.

"Thank u Lis, you always know what's my favorite." I said.

We spend the day fishing. I enjoyed it so much. I catch so many fishes while Lisa got few. I laughed how she acted like a child and pouted. It's already afternoon and we decided to eat the snacks.

Lisa said that we're going to spend the night in here. We gathered firewoods to make a bonfire for the night and to cook the fish we catch awhile ago.

"This tent is so nice", i gasped of what i witness in the tent. Its big and have comforters and the scent is like Lisa. I love it. I know she prepared it a day ahead. That's why i didn't saw her yesterday afternoon. I felt so special.

Lisa take out the red wine at the basket and the fish she grilled a while ago. We eat in silence. It's so romantic. The night was so cleared that the moon and the stars shines so bright and it's so cold. Only the sound of the crickets and water flows in the stream is our music. After the dinner and wine we decided to lay down on the tent. The ceiling is open for stargazing. This day is the best! Lisa is so romantic in different way. I faced her and kissed her lips. We spend the night with small talks, cuddles, kisses and then sleep after.

To be continued...

More dates pa ba guys? 😂🤭❤️ Thank u sa walang sawang pagsuporta sa ASL ❤️

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