Chapter 27. Promise Ring

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___Jennie's POV___

Last night was the best. I woke up without Lisa by my side. I was disappointed but I know she's outside eating her breakfast. I check the time and it's already 7am. I decided to do my morning routine. I take a bath and change my clothes to a sunny floral dress. I'm ready to go out when the door open. Lisa entered the room and holding a tray of breakfast with a red rose in her mouth. She smiled at me and wink. Oh what a view, my morning sunshine - the love of my life, my angel. She walk beside me and put the tray to the bedside table.

"Breakfast in bed my love", she seductively said and pecked my cheeks and then my lips. I want to kiss her more so I put my arms on her nape and pull her closer. We shared a passionate kiss and breaks it when we need an air. "I love you", she whispered.

"I love you too baby", i whispered back at her. "So what's this?" I ask and checked the food on the tray.

"I made a simple breakfast for you," she said and backhugged me. "Hope you like it", she said and kiss my nape. I smiled at her and we stay in that position for awhile. I'm gonna miss this. I know tomorrow she will going back home in her hometown. I'm sad right now. I want her to stay with me here but I can't do anything.

"Let's eat", i break the silence. "..before it will gets cold", she nodded. We ate, laugh and i love it so much. I will going to miss this. I love her so much. I feel so many emotions right now. I want to cry but i can't, i don't want her to see me like this before she go. I cleared my throat. "It's so delicious! Are you sure you're the one who cooked this?" I teased her. She just giggled at me. "Kidding," i smiled and pecked her cheek. "Thank you so much for this. I can't believe that the one and only heir of the Manoban Industry will cook for the simple woman", i said but she just chuckled.

"You're no simple woman, you're my love of my life and i will do anything for you", she said. Oh my Jisoos, i think i will fall harder to this woman in front of me. Don't make it hard for me Lisa.

After the sweet breakfast with Lisa, we decided to visit the rancho. Lisa said that she want to see Knighty. "Buddy, please take care of my baby while I'm not here with her, ok?" She said that makes me giggles. She hold my hand and caress it softly and kiss it. "You know I'm gonna miss you both", i can feel the sadness in her eyes. "I don't want to leave you here but grandpaps need me there. Don't worry, i will visit here every weekend, ok?", she reassured me and I nod.

"I trust and believe in you babe", i said and hugged her so tight.

"Let's go", she said and i furrowed my brows. She breaks the hug and smiled at me.

"Where we're going?" I ask her but she ignores me. She hold my waist and we make our way to the car. She was the one who drive and I'm in the passenger seat. I don't know where we're heading but later i realized that we are going to my family's old house. We arrived at our house and Lisa being a gentle woman open the car door for me. "I know you miss them", she said and guide me to my mom and grandma's tomb. The tears i held was now flowing on my cheeks. Lisa dry my tears and kiss it.

"Mrs. Kim and Jennie's grandma...", she said that made me smile and shook my head. "I'm here in front of you to promise my love to your only one baby Jennie. I will going to take good care of her, love her with all my heart and cherish her forever," i gasped when she kneeled down in front of me and open a red small box with a ring on it. "Jennie Kim, this is a promise ring. Please accept this with all your heart. I promise in front of your mom and grandma that i will be by your side forever. Even I'm not physically here, i will love you forever and ever. I love you so much my love", she said that makes me sob harder.

"Yes Lisa, i will accept your promise ring", i said and she put the ring on my finger and kiss me passionately. We hugged in a long time. We cherished the moment right now. I'm happy that she promise to take good care of me and love me forever. This woman is mine. She's mine forever.

After the emotional moment here, Lisa bring me in an expensive restaurant to eat our lunch. It's our first time to have a lunch date outside. Lisa booked the VIP room for us. She ordered all our favorite foods in the menu. How can we eat all of this? Being with Lisa is so overwhelming. I'm so happy that i met this beautiful woman of my life. I'm lucky to have her. We talked and talked about everything. Promise to be strong for each other and laugh with every corny joke we have. It's already 4am when we decided to left the resto and head back to the mansion. This is the most memorable day of my life with my Love. I'm so happy seeing and feeling the promise ring in my finger.

"Hello love, are you happy right now?", Lisa whispered in my ear while backhugging me. I will miss this backhugged thing with her. I giggled and nod at her.

"I'm the happiest girl in the world right now", i said. She hold my waist so tight and kiss the back of my head. "I'm gonna miss this, you're smell and your warmth", i hold her arms on my waist.

"Then don't go", i said. "Stay with me", my voice cracked.

"I will if I can. I have some things to take care in the company after that i will comeback here. I promise you after this i will stay with you forever", she said and i faced her.

"Promise?" And i show my pinky finger on her.

"Promise." She then attached her pinky finger on mine. "It sealed" i said and laughed. Then she kissed me. We decided to sleep. We cuddled and i love this feeling.

To be continued...

Guys keep on supporting ASL. 💕😊 Kinilig ako. Hehehe

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