Chapter 30. The proposal

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___Jennie's POV___

Lisa was now transferred at her room. Luckily she was shot at her shoulder and not directly in her heart. They told me the whole story. I was proud of my baby. She was so brave. Her uncle was captured and now in jail. He was arrested because of attempted murder and 2 counts of murder. I was shocked when they said that her uncle confessed at her about the killings of her parents. Like Lisa I want to kill him too but will let the authorities handle him. Lisa's grandfather was so shocked of what he heard on his adopted son and he is so furious. "I will never forgive him!" He said and touch the cheek of Lisa. "I promise you, I will make sure he will rot in jail my Lili".

Then he faced me and smiled. "Please take good care of my granddaughter. She loves you so much", she said. "I will settle some things at the company", then she hold my hand. "I'm proud of you both. I trust you with Lisa. I never regret that I send Lisa in the hacienda because I know someone like you will love her unconditionally", I was shock at his confession at me.

"Thank you Mr. Manoban." I stood up and hugged him. He laughed

"It's grandpaps, Jennie", he said. "Just call me grandpaps because from now on your my granddaughter, too"

"Ok, grandpaps", I said and smiled at him. Everyone in the room bid their goodbyes even Rosé. She said that they will back to their own company to settle some things. Lisa's secretary was with me. "Yeri, you can go home now", I told her. "You must take a rest. I will take care of her", she nod and bid her goodbye.

I brush Lisa's hair and bangs. "Why so beautiful my loves?" I traced her pale lips. "I want to kiss your lips right now, you know that? That's what your punishment because you make me nervous and cried so hard. Please open your eyes my love" I said and pecked her cheek. "Please come back to me Lisa." Then drowsiness hit me.

___Lisa's POV___

Darkness... full of darkness. I don't see any light. I shout but no words came out from my mouth. I see a woman standing. Her back facing me. I called her then she faced me... My angel... My love. JENNIE. She's smiling at me. "Please come back to me, Lisa", she said then the white light hit my eyes.

I open my eyes and close it again. The light hit me. I blink few times and I realized that I'm not in my room. I stared at the white ceiling then I feel a cute snore beside me. Oh my god don't tell me i cheated on Jennie. No. No. No. I shook my head. Then faced the woman beside me and I saw her. The most beautiful woman in the world. My angel... My love.. she opens her eyes and shock visible in her.

"My Angel, am I already in heaven?" I said that makes her giggle. Oh how I miss her laugh. "Am I dreaming?" I ask her again.

"Nope you're not Ms. Manoban", she replied softly. Then pinched my cheek.

"Aww", I pout coz it hurts a little. "Then who are you?" I asked then she furrowed

"I thought you're shot at your shoulder and not on your head Ms. Manoban so don't act like you have an amnesia", she angrily said. Oh my jisoos.. my baby is angry. I want to pinch her mandu cheeks. I smiled at her.

"I thought I'm already in heaven because I see the most beautiful angel that God created", I explained. She chuckled.

"Don't me Manoban. Do you think I already forgive you?" She said.

"What? Did I do something bad?" I asked.

"No! But you make me worried and I'm crying mess earlier because of you", she said and peck my lips. "That's your punishment", she said and I smiled.

"If this will be my punishment. I will make many sins and kiss you always", she laughed and kissed me again. We shared a passionate kiss but interrupted when my devil bestfriends entered the room and shock visible in their eyes when they see me awake now. "Lisa!" They shouted and run towards me but I stop them and pointed my shoulder. They sat beside me and cried like babies.

"We thought something bad will happen to you" they said. I smiled and assured them that I'm ok. Jennie who was on my bedside was lowered her head. My baby is shy. I hold her hand and kiss the back of it. She smiled at me.

One week of staying at the hospital, I decided to go home. Jennie help me. She cooked for me like a housewife on her husband. I'm like a baby, that babying by her mommy. My grandfather visits me here same as with my best buddies. I was so glad that they never left me. I heard from my grandpaps that uncle was already sentenced. I will never forgive him. He killed my parents and I will insure that he will rot in jail forever.

"So what's your plan?" My grandpaps interrupt my thoughts. "Honestly I don't know grandpaps. I just want to be with my girl." I glanced at her. She's cooking for our dinner. She said that she will took good care of me so no take outs. She will cook healthy foods just for me.

"I'm so lucky to have her. In my darkness days, she's my only light. She's my angel" I said that's makes my grandpaps laugh at me.

"You know the way you stare at your girl right now, that's how I stare at your grandma before", he said. "I missed her already", he said and dry the few tears that escape in his eyes. "Marry her already. I saw your grandma in her", I smiled at my grandpa.

"Do you mean you will give us now your blessing grandpa?" I asked.

"Yes, Lisa," He said.

"Yes!" I jumped of so much joy and hugged my grandpaps. Jennie was shocked. "Ouch!" I held my shoulder. "Sorry, I forgot that I have a shot. Hahaha", my grandpaps just shake her head.

"What happened?" Jennie asked. She's walking beside me and caress my shoulder. "Don't be excited Lili", she said that makes me pout.

I call the squad and told them to find a beautiful and expensive ring for my future wife and they all did.

Next morning

We are at the park right now. Jennie and I decided to do a morning jog. She don't know that today I will do my proposal. She's so hot right now. She's wearing her black sando bra and a black leggings. "Let's go now hon", she said but I told her to wait for our friends.

A few minutes later, everyone was arrived. Jennie was talking to Rosé, she's here with her girlfriend. I was shock that it was Ms. Jisoo Kim. Our investor. Rosé told me that they got along in a bar and the rest is history. Jeongyeon and Suelgi went on me. They handed the ring.

"Hey buddy, you can do it!" Seul said.

"We are here for you in case Ms. Kim will say NO" Tzuyu said and they started to laugh.

"You're all bad. My Jennie loves me", I retorted back. "Ok, let the drama begin", I said and they nodded.

We jog around and I feel this is the right time so I stop and bend my knees. I kneed on the park road. "You okay bud?" Jeongyeon asked me behind then wink on me. This girl I want to smack her. Jennie ran towards me. "Babe you ok?" She asked me and cups my cheek.

"I think my right side hurts", I said and that's the cue of my friends to get the balloons, flowers and confetti.

"Where?" She asked again and checked me.

"I get the red small box and held in front of her. She gasped. I know she was shocked. She turns her head around and saw our friends with balloon, flowers and a white cloth with a words "Will you marry me?" She stand up and tears visible in her eyes.

"Ms. Jennie Kim.." I started. " angel, my beloved woman.. the woman who I wanted to share my life.. my forever, my sunshine and the woman I want to have and bear my child with and lastly the woman that I want to be with for the rest of my life" my tears flow on my cheeks same as hers. "Jennie.. my Nini will you marry me?" I asked but she's not responding that makes me so nervous.

"Say yes! Say yes!" My friends keep shouting. Everyone in the park were looking on us right now.

"Say yes please baby", I plead and stared on her.

"I'm sorry.. I was shocked Lili" tears still flows on her cheek. I'm still nervous right now. My knees is shaking. "Yes my Love I will marry you!" She said and pulled me from my knees and hugged me so tight. I pulled her from the ground and I sway her. I forgot that I have pain in my shoulder. "Awww", I said and she giggles. I kissed her passionately. Everyone was so happy and they shouted in joy.

To be continued...

Wow. Ito na yata ang pinakamahabang chapter na nagawa ko. Please support me guys via heart react. Thanks 😘💕

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