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Cheng waited for something to happen, but it never came. He stared at the controlled Ling. She walked over to someone. A young girl..? Ling stood as still as a statue. The girl held onto Ling's hand, never giving the intention of letting go of it. She and Ling walked over to Cheng, who remained motionless and extremely cautious of this new person.

"Cheng Xiaoshi?"

"Yeah..that would be me. Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Li Tianxi."

"Are you the one with the controlling ability?"

Li just nodded and finally let go of Ling's hand. Ling fell unconscious to the ground.

Li held her hand out to Cheng to take. He reached out but before he could finally take it, Captain Xiao burst through the rooftop door.

"Freeze! Put your hands up above your head!" He aimed his gun in their direction.

Both Li and Cheng were shocked. Neither of them knew this would happen. Li obliged and put her hands up while Cheng went to help Ling who was still on the ground.

"You cheated. Again. Looks like the first punishment didn't teach you anything." Li said while turning to Cheng.

"I-I didn't know about this...if I did I would have asked to meet up somewhere else." He still there in shock, but not for long.

Li just turned away from him and to Captain Xiao. "I'm bringing you down to the station. Cheng, make sure Ling is alright and head back to the room."


     ~ At Lu's Hospital Room ~

"You idiot! What were you even doing up there?"

Cheng stood silent. He reached to put his hands into his pockets, but felt something like a photo, and pulled it out. "Huh?"

(The photo of Li Tianxi and her mother)

Lu looked at him, "And what's that? A photo you took?"

"No..I didn't take this...she must have put it there" Cheng said, but muttered the last part so only he could hear it. He couldn't let them find out about their small deal.

Lu took the photo and looked at it for a good while. "I don't recognize either of them. And my powers don't seem to see much either." He turned it to the back side and read what was written.

"Hey, what if I dive? Wouldn't that help us figure out who they are?"

"Absolutely not. It could be dangerous." Lu objected almost immediately.

Captain Xiao spoke up, "Think about it Lu, maybe they are connected somehow to the latest cases. What if Cheng does a quick 'dive' thing just to figure out who the woman and girl are?"

Lu took some time to think...
He sighed, "Fine. But remote the rules. The past-"

"And future, must remain untouched. I know." Cheng interrupted.

Lu reached his hand out and Cheng high-fived him. He disappeared and went into his dive.

Captain Xiao was obviously shocked since he had never seen how their powers worked, but soon calmed down and called the station about the girl he brought in earlier. They said that she wouldn't talk unless it was with Cheng Xiaoshi. He said that he'd be there soon and hung up.

   ~ After The Dive Cause I'm A Bit Lazy Rn ~

Cheng came back, obviously shaken up by what he saw. He shook it off and asked what he missed while he was in his dive.

"The girl I brought to he police station stated that she'd only talk to you."

"Oh, then I guess I should get going, no?" Cheng was heading out the door when Ling and Xiao said they'd accompany him. Lu stayed behind due to his injuries still in the process of healing.

    ~ At The Police Station ~

Some officers were deciding where to put a listing device on Cheng. They ended up putting one under his hoodie. Cheng walked over to where Li was being held.

"That girl sure is smart. She even requested that we'd remove any cameras and devices from the room." Said Officer Wang Juan. "We should remain cautious."

Cheng sat down and started the conversation. "What exactly is your goal?"

"Hm, how about I ask you the questions? Hm, Xiaoshi?" Li said very direct. "You don't mind if I check you for any listening devices, right?"

"Of course not..go ahead."

Li went ahead and started to check him. Luckily, she didn't find it. Cheng took out his phone outside the room the 'earn' some of her trust. She sat back down across from Cheng.

"So about-"

"Bring me 3 cokes and then I'll talk."


"And make sure it's 'Iced'"

Cheng told the officer outside that she wanted 3 Iced Cokes, and soon enough he brought them.

Cheng handed her the Cokes and she chugged them down.

"I bet you have many questions for me. But I have one for you; How do you know about my background hm? Surely you would have asked me about it by now."

Cheng thought his answer carefully...

"I-I saw it through the photo..."

Li looked at Cheng, "Oh! Good! You didn't lie this time! Looks like you are learning."

"Just tell me what your goal is. Your plan has already failed. So what are you doing here exactly?"

"Come closer and maybe you can do me one last favor." Li whispered. "Huh?" Cheng walked over to her so that he could hear what she wanted to say...

   ~ With the Police and Ling ~

Ling, Captain Xiao, and Officer Wang Juan were listening in on their conversation.

"What plan is Cheng talking about?" Ling questioned.

"I'm not sure either. But they definitely know something that we are being kept in the dark about." Captain Xiao answered.

"Captain. May I go with them? She seems to have requested to use the bathroom." Officer Wang requested.

"Hm, just be careful, I suppose." Captain Xiao told her without taking his eyes off some files about Li's past case.

      ~ With Cheng and Li ~

I walked and bent over so I could hear what she was saying. "Accompany me as we 'go to the bathroom' new friend." She held my arm, I looked down at her. "Just relax, and let the sensation take over your body and mind completely." I felt really..calm but also tired...I let it take over...

      All I saw was darkness.

A/N: Sorry for not being able to update this story 😭 but I finally did it!!! I'm already working on the next chapter, I'm not sure when it'll be posted. I hope you enjoyed!!!
(Word count: 1,091)

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