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TGCF Fanfic

Fondness in the Far Away Memories

Chapter 06

"Mokke wants to play!" demanded of a small one eye pink bunny creature on Xie Lian and San Lang who are quietly resting and just enjoying each other's presence in dimly lit lounge room.

The single mokke barged in the room and throws demands which made San Lang glared darkly at it that made it shaken in fear.

Xie Lian smiles kindly at mokke and voiced out his agreement.

Upon hearing his (self-claimed) Gege agreed, the deathly glare changes into bright smile but it is towards Xie Lian and not on the mokke.

"So, what game you wanna play?"

"Hide and Kill" is what the mokke about to blurt out but it suddenly remembers a nightmare done by the youth in red clothes that it immediately changes its mind. Too bad it is the favorite game of the Mokkes.

"Game of luck!" another mokke but this time has black color, barge in the room. Xie Lian was startled as it is appeared from the window just behind him and San Lang.

"Oh, how we will play it?" San Lang have always claimed that Xie Lian is kind, but his kindness isn't just limited towards him, but extended to all people Xie Lian met. There are even times that San Lang wanna asked Xie Lian if he ever gotten mad before, but he always dropping the idea upon the sight of Xie Lian.

"Pair! Alternate rolling dice! High win—truth or dare!"

Xie Lian mouthed a silent "oh", and tries to translate internally the words he just heard:

They will make a pair— "so, it will be me and San Lang, against this two mokke."

Each will be alternating at rolling the dice. They will be adding the roll results of the pair, highest rolls wins, and the winner could make the loser either answer a question or make them do something.

"But!" The mokke in pink color suddenly talks. "Chengzu luck too great!" it sounded like the pink mokke is complaining about San Lang and actually wants him out the picture.

Xie Lian could understand it's worries, he—himself aware of San Lang's great luck, but they will be lack of players if San Lang will be out and—Xie Lian actually doesn't want to play it if San Lang aren't included.

"Chengzu luck great—Lord friend average."

It is actually "no good" but the mokke seems scared to offend Xie Lian, more than so San Lang. The mokke also aware that San Lang won't let them play with Xie Lian without him either. All the supernatural within the school knows that San Lang is greatly fond of Xie Lian, that even with tiniest idea of targeting Xie Lian will lead to either punishment (torture) or worst death.

Without any further ado, and seeing San Lang is in bad mood towards them (but Xie Lian) they started the game of dice.

The mokkes gone first with 4 and 4: its 8.

Then Xie Lian who rolls 1 and then San Lang with 6: its 7.

It's Xie Lian and San Lang's lost.

Xie Lian rubbed his forehead and whisper an apology to San Lang.

"Don't worry Gege, let's have them win a few rounds first." Xie Lian smiles at San Lang's overwhelming confidence. Xie Lian admits that he loves this side of the youth, as his handsomeness overflow every time San Lang is show casing his proud nature.

"Us wins!" The mokkes are celebrating, even doing a high five with their big ears. "Chengzu, Lord friend, dare!"

"Alright alright." Xie Lian with smile, waiting for their order hoping they won't ask extreme things such as making San Lang their errand boy. 'They... wouldn't dare right...' Xie Lian helplessly worried.

"Order! Chengzu, Lord friend strip other!"

Eh... is the only sound that Xie Lian able to comprehend. Did they just order him and San Lang to strip each other? Xie Lian got alarmed.

"Clear your words, or I'll clear you."

The mokke tremble in fear. When it comes to them their Chengzu won't joke.

"San Lang!"

"One layer!" the black mokkes claims immediately in fear.

One layer—means one clothe.

San Lang and Xie Lian are both wearing layers, since it's always cold at night (at Xie Lian's case) Xie Lian always have over coat on, while San Lang has jacket on.

Xie Lian turns to San Lang, "Excuse your Gege..." whisper very lowly, San Lang only smile at him, which awaken some insect inside Xie Lian, dancing along with his heart beating. Xie Lian sighs quietly and secretly before unzipping San Lang's jacket and removed it for him.

It is now San Lang's turn on helping Xie Lian. While doing Xie Lian's overcoat, the youth have blank expression on him, which earn silent, secret praises from Xie Lian.

Unlike San Lang, Xie Lian probably turns red as tomato while doing the youth's jacket. Xie Lian just wish San Lang won't think something on it.

What is that "something"? Xie Lian doesn't want to elaborate.

Shuffling back on their position, they resumed the game.

This time Xie Lian gotten 2, and San Lang got 6 again.

While mokkes got a total of 9.

Wow... they're losing despite San Lang's well-known great luck!

"Dare!" the black mokke scream, but he was stop but the pink mokke that claims, "Truth!" with celebratory sound.

San Lang is obviously letting them have fun.

"Chengzu! How died?"

As far Xie Lian could make out of mokke's personality, other than their dark side, the mokke are just lovable and playful bunch, to think that they have curiosity over San Lang's history.

But—the question is—will San Lang answer that?

Xie Lian wouldn't refuse to admit that he been curious as well, but he cannot bring himself to odd San Lang's always good mood.

"Is Gege also curious?"

Xie Lian's heart jumps in surprised, he didn't expect to be question by him. Xie Lian couldn't help but to nod and be honest.

"Will it be alright to San Lang?"

"If Gege wants to hear it, then I will." San Lang has sincere smile. "What I remember is I was in the rooftop, feeling the cold air of night—"

Xie Lian immediately figures out how San Lang died, suicide—that's the only explanation. Suddenly, Xie Lian doesn't want to hear any longer.

San Lang stops talking after feeling a weight on his shoulder, when he turns over, he blinks in surprised and confusion upon seeing Xie Lian's forehead on his shoulder.

"Gege, are you alright?"

"I'm sorry—" there's side of Xie Lian who is still wants to hear the rest, but what winning over is the side who no longer want to listen, more than so doesn't want San Lang to continue. Other than his head, his hand is squishing gently San Lang's wrist.

He really wants no longer to hear.

San Lang smiles at his kindness, letting Xie Lian to keep that position, which making the youth felt all warm and happy.

Xie Lian doesn't know how long he keep that position, but soon he realized that the mokkes already excused themselves silently, leaving their Chengzu and Lord friend to have their time alone.

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