~Strawberries and cigarettes~

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"So truth or dare?!" said jennie, after the bottle landed on jimin.

Jimin smirked, and pretended that he is thinking hard, by moving his eyes towards the ceiling.

"Hmmm, dareeeeee~" he said, extending the 'dare' word a little longer. Yep, he is drunk.

Jennie thought for a while, and scanned jimin's body from head to toe. Hoseok, jimin's best friend noticed that, and smirked to himself as he has little bit of the idea that what dare could be awaiting for him.

"Just already say this omegaaaa~ we have to continue the game." Hoseok said, making jennie roll her eyes. The other omegas also are waiting eagerly for her to the dare. I mean, jenlisa are known as the queens of truth and dare afterall!

All of a sudden, jennie's eyes fell on jimin's right pink bud, which was peeking through his white transparent shirt. She smirked, and her eyes moved towards of the young omega's face, and at that exact moment, jimin unknowingly licked his lips by his long sinful tongue.

Hoseok noticed this, and smirked widely to himself. Oops! May be, this time jimin's chest gonna fill with tattoos?!

"Sooo~" said jennie, and leaned her body back, supporting the weight of her body on her palms.

"Your dare is, you have to pierce your ni*ples, your tongue, and your navel, and have to post your pic on your instagram." she said, and hoseok's eyes widen. Isn't it too much?! He thought to himself, and his gaze turned towards jimin, who just laughed and a bitchy smirk decorated his innocent face.

"Is that all-"

"And your lips too." jennie continued, which made jimin raise his brow.

"What else I have to pierce now? My p*ssy?" He said, which made hoseok a little fluster. Why he is soo bold.

Jennie laughed, and shook her head as no.

"No dear. I want your beautiful p*ssy safe. Besides, it will be painful a lot. So, just do as what I say." She said, and jimin just shrugged his shoulders.

"As you sayy~ This sunday, you are getting some hot shizzz~" he said, and jennie just smirked.

"Okay okay! Lets continue the game!" said lisa, and again she spin the bottle. And this time, it landed on hoseok. Hoseok is nervous now after knowing jimin's dare. So he decided to choose the truth.

Lisa smirked, and turned her attention towards hoseok. Hoseok also smirked at her, challenging her through his eyes. His bitchy self is back again.

"Truth or dare babe?~" She asked, and hoseok pretended to thought.

"Ummm trut-" before he could complete his words, he was cut off by other three loud voices.

"Yahhhhhhh don't be a p*ssy! Choose dare!" Jimin, lisa and jennie said in unison, at which hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Then why its name is truth and dare if we are only allowed to choose dare!" Said hoseok in disbelief, making all the remaining laugh.

"Thats the unofficial rules of this game." jimin said, and hoseok just glared at him.

"Fine, dare. Now, tell me what's your bitchy mind is thinking-" before he could complete, lisa cut him in mid and threw a dare on him wasting not a single second.

"Get a tattoo!" she said with a huge smirk, at which hoseok just raised his brow at her. He knows that the dare is incomplete.

"And? Continue babe. I know you can never give such simple shits." He said, and Lisa laughed.

"Right. So, get a tattoo, starting from your," she turned around, and placed her hand on her right butt, making hoseok stare at her in little confusion.

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