Chapter 2

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I embarked on a journey toward the majestic pine trees. The sun had commenced its descent, painting the sky with a mesmerizing array of colors, as though the heavens themselves were an artist's palette.

The towering pine trees stood erect, seemingly engaged in a competition to reach the heavens, permitting only a scarce amount of sunlight to filter through the forest canopy.

Before I could fully comprehend the situation, I found myself sprawled on the forest floor, accompanied by a resonant thud.
As I endeavored to make sense of the recent events, I rose to my feet. Abruptly, a forceful impact from my left side propelled me forward at an astonishing speed.

The ambient symphony of rustling leaves and snapping twigs indicated the presence of wild creatures in hot pursuit of their prey.

Realization struck: I had erred gravely.

I sensed an upward force, as if an unseen hand was determined to guide me back to my feet. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a pair of exquisitely beautiful eyes gazing at me with genuine concern. A robust hand enveloped my shoulders, and a murmured 'thank you' escaped my lips as a delicate whisper.

In that moment, my thoughts fixated solely on those warm brown eyes and the relentless throb of my racing heart. My heart pounded fiercely, reaching a staggering 100mph, with every nerve in my body pulsating at an accelerated pace.

My savior aided me in regaining my balance, drawing near to whisper in my ear, "It seems like you are lost, Princess. You know this place is not fit for someone like you."

Clearing my throat, I turned to face my benefactor. A familiar scent, reminiscent of the shampoo I used on Thunder, wafted through the air.

"Excuse me, my lady, you seem to be lost in thought," uttered the man, my apparent 'savior.'

Returning to reality, a flush of warmth colored my cheeks. I diverted my gaze, focusing on regaining my composure.

"Are you alright?" he inquired with genuine concern.

"Yes, I'm... I mean, I'm alright," I responded, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

Relieved, he exclaimed, "Thank heavens! That fall looked quite severe, all thanks to that wolf bastard."

"Wolf what!? I still can't comprehend how I fell. Was it because of a wolf?" I queried in confusion.

"It's a mere... don't concern yourself. Since you're unharmed, allow me to take my leave," he declared before disappearing amidst the trees.

A sigh escaped me; gratitude remained unspoken.

Thunder bounded towards me from the spot where my savior had vanished. I embraced him, thankful for his safety amidst the enigmatic creatures.

"Oh, Thunder, sweetheart, don't scamper off from Lenie like that, okay? Promise?" Thunder's gentle lick on my face brought forth a delighted giggle from me.

"Paw promise," Thunder conveyed, placing his furry paws on my hand.

With a giggle, I hugged him, once again enveloped in the familiar scent of strawberry shampoo.

The encroaching darkness signaled the need to depart; dangerous creatures would soon embark on their nocturnal hunt.


Words: 506

Who do you think the the 'saver' might be?
a) Villain.
b) Protagonist
c) Another character
d) Uncertain

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