2 ~Malfoy?~

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Y/n pov

I left the train and I saw a huge guy with a long beard and i heard him say "This way please, come on now firs' years don't be shy, come on now Hurry up."

And i followed him he told us to take the boat to go to Hogwarts and I saw Jordan waving at me to join her on the boat. A boy named Theodore Nott joined us and we saw Hogwarts it looked so big,a lot bigger than my house. Theo asked my name and Jordan's and we reached the building and made our way to Hogwarts.

We lot walked on the stairs and when we reached a room which had a big door, I saw MINNIE?. Oh my gawd it has been long since I saw her last time.shes like a mother to me but more like my best friend.

She stopped all of us and said
"Welcome to Hogwarts, now in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take the seats you must be sorted into your houses."

While she was talking i saw the blonde guy from earlier give me a smirk and turn away.weird but cute.and Minnie continued her speech by saying "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" when she said Slytherin I saw the blondie share a look with smirk to those two boys who were standing behind him.

"Now while you're here you're house will be like your family,your triumphs will earn new points and any rule breaking and you will lose points.At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup-" Minnie got interrupted by a boy saying "TREVOR".and he took his toad from the stairs and awkwardly took steps back while Minnie just looked at him bluntly."Sorting ceremony will begin momentarily"she said and gone inside.

"So, it's true then, what they're saying on the train.Harry potter has come to Hogwarts.This is crabbe and goyle and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." That blondie stepped towards Harry,who i already know,my father told me about him and his scar story. Hmm so his name is Draco. I think he's trying to be friends with 'THE FAMOUS HARRY'.when Draco told his name a ginger guy next to harry snorted and Draco looked at him with disgust and said, "Think my name's funny, do you?. No need to ask yours , Red head and a hand-me-down robes, you must be a Weasley". Ok that was kinda rude i thought.

Then he looked at potter and said, "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort,I can help you there" he gave his hand to shake harry's but harry refused by saying. "I think I can tell the wrong sort myself ,Thanks. "

As soon as harry said that to Malfoy, Minnie came back from the great hall and patted Malfoy's shoulder with a parchment on her hand.

"We are ready for you, now you can come". We entered the great hall itis arealbighellahall I saw candles flying and many students and we made it to the end of the room. Dumbledore made speech and it's not important so i didn't care and just stared at the blonde guy who was also doin the same.

"Hermione Granger" minnie yelled the name and I saw a girl with bushy hair go and sit on the chair , Minnie put a hat on her head and the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR" i then saw some few get sorted after a time Minnie called "DRACO MALFOY" and he looked and me before going and sit on the chair the hat yelled "SLYTHERIN" before even touching his head.he smirked at me before going to his house table,next was "Jordan garot" she was also sorted into Slytherin.the famous potter got into Gryffindor.

"Y/n snape" I heard Minnie call me.shit, i just hope I don't get into Hufflepuff or whatever.

I sat on the table nervously and looked at Minnie and gave her a smile she smiled and winked at me.she put the hat on my head."Snape huh?,well look at you, aren't you the smartest one just like your father,but what can I say you can be the most cunning too,Better be... SLYTHERIN" I saw my father smiling at me and I gave him a shy one and went to sit on my house table.

I saw Jordan waving at me and i sat next to her. She gave a high five to me for making into the same house as her what can I say I was born to be in Slytherin I guess. And Dumbledore made food appear in the table which was pretty awesome there was a lot of food like A LOT OF FOOD which made me gasp when he did that and I saw my favourite food and began to eat it and Jordan was eating chicken wings.

While I was eating i felt someone staring at me and saw a guy from Gryffindor table. He had brown and somewhat blonde hair but mostly brown he was cute but probably older than me i guess. And I began to eat anyway.

"So I see you made it to Slytherin.Thought you were going to be in Ravenclaw"that certain blonde yelled from the other side which made me anxious.

"Well? Is there something wrong with me being in Slytherin?" I asked the blonde but not loude even some Slytherin's were listening to our conversation.

"It's just you don't look cunning enough to be in this house I guess? How dare he say that.

"Sod off Malfoy,You don't know me yet" I rolled my eyes and ignored him completely 'gosh,good looking people can be really stupid sometimes'


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