3 ~Embarrassed and aced~

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Y/n's POV

The first day went quite well, it turned out my roommates were,Millicent Bulstrode,Tracey Davis and Jordan Garot. Malfoy kept staring at me in the common room after the feast,but I simply ignored him. after what he said at the feast, I don't think I'll be friends with him unless he apologizes.

We got our timetable, and Jordan
and I Checked it and saw that we almosthad all the classes together, which made me happy knowing that.
The prefects told us to go to our dorm and i was so tired and decided to sleep early so I could wake up early in the mrning for my first class with Minnie.


"Wake up...Y/n...Y/n wake UP"

"Y/n?,Why are you not waking up.Are you dead?.....Y/N SNAPE,GET.UP.NOW"

"Oh my god, what happened why are you screaming" i asked Jordan who was yelling at me while yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"What happened? What HAPPENED? Are u serious right now?do u know what time it is?" She sighed. "Y/n , i don't wanna be rude, but we are late for our first class,it's 8:39 and classes start at 9"

"Shit" i quickly jumped out of my bed and ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower, changed into my Slytherin uniform, added some capstick , mascara.

"Guess,I'm ready.what time is it again?" I asked Jordan who had come running and gave me a muffin.

"It-it's 9.08,we a-are late" she said trying to catch breath."eat this y/n.now come" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me and we ran through the corridor.

"I hope we are not too late" i said while trying to run fast.

Our first class was transfiguration with Minnie. And when we entered minnie's class we saw ...Minnie scolding... harry and a Ginger guy for .... being late? Oops hehe.

"Jordan? ... I think we should just leave" i whispered

"Yea ...y/n let's just go back to our dorm." She whispered back and we began to slowly walk backwards when...

"Ah... Miss Snape and Miss Garot. Lovely to see you two. In my class. Being late." Minnie said while walking towards us.I gave a weak smile.

"I'm extremely sorry professor. It won't happen again".Jordan said while I just nodded and stood there awkwardly.

"Yea sorry Minn- I mean Professor Macgonagal"

She shook her head said "I expect you to come to my office,end of the day" she pointed at me and gestured us to take a seat."everyone please continue with your writings"Minnie said.

And I saw an empty spot on the front and we sat there.

"Y/n" Jordan whispered and signalled me to look behind

I looked behind and saw The Blonde. He looked at me and gave a smirk.

Why does he have so much gel in his hair? It's kinda cute but still...yea,I like it anyway. I like his eyes and those rings look very expens-

"Miss Snape, I would like to continue my class if you don't keep staring at Mr.Malfoy." Minnie said as the whole class began to laugh.

Great way to embarrass myself in my first class. Merlin please help me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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