Alley Rat

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"Siriusly?" - talking

'Raven' - thinking

'you are an idiot!' - telepathy

"Wolf in sheep's clothing" - parseltongue

-YOU!- - spell

July, 1986 - Streets of London

A boy lurked around an alley, peeking at the nearby bread stall. 'I'm hungry...' he thought. His stomach growled at the thought and he held it in pain, small groans slipping out. 'The food Aunt Petunia left me finished a few days before, I- I don't want to do this....but I'm hungry.'

"Go hatchling. Ssssurvival comesss first, moralsss and emotionssss later." The 6-foot snake hissed. He nodded, clutching his belly and slowly creeping out of the dark alleyway. He passed the stall, glancing at the owner, who seemed to be talking to a customer. His hand swiped out and he ran as fast as he could, his eyes watering from the cold wind and his nose leaking.

"HEY! STOP!!" The shopkeeper yelled after him, "SOMEONE STOP HIM! THAT DIRTY PIECE OF FILTH."

His feet skidded as he dashed into an alley, bread clutched close to his chest, his legs burning. He kept running even when he felt like he would break, running until he could no longer hear the yells of the shopkeeper. He stopped and leaned against a grimy brick wall, his back hitting it with a loud thump. 'That...just happened.'

"Kit, you okay?", Raja questioned. He nodded and breathed out, blowing hair out of his eyes, before clutching at his chest. His breaths started becoming heavy and he knelt to the ground, the bread falling onto the ground and his hands covering his head, letting his hair out of its loosely tied position.

'I did that. I took that. I'm filth. How could I do it? Uncle Vernon was right. I'm a burden to everyone. That man could have had a family, and I just stole something that could have let him feed them. I-i can't breathe. I did this, no, no. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry.'

"Harry. Harry, it'ssss Raja. Breathe Harry. You are not alone. I'm here." Raja hoped that would calm down his hatchling. He couldn't let him suffocate when he had done all this to survive. "You did what you had to kit, you're fine."

Harry heaved breaths, his fingers trembling on his head. He slowly calmed down as Raja muttered reassurances to him, his tail curling around Harry's wrist and his tongue flicking at Harry's ear.

"Eat and sssswallow. Ssslowly."

Harry slowly picked up the fallen bread and dusted off the dirt and mud that had gotten on it. He raised it to his dry mouth, and bit into it, closing his eyes at the warm feeling. He pressed his eyes tighter, feeling guilty about stealing and eating. Raja's beady eyes looked up at him in concern and worry mixed in with relief.

"It'sssss okay child. Eat, we'll figure it all out tomorrow."

When Harry had finished the food, he sighed and stood up, swaying right to left. He picked up his hair tie and put his hair in a tight bun, clearing his eyes. He steadied himself before walking out of the thin alley he was in, and peeked out, praying that there was no one outside.

No one except a man in a black cloak was outside. He exhaled and stepped out, crouching and jogging to the place where he left his backpack. When we arrived, he looked around before going to the pile of garbage in the corner and digging through it to reach his backpack. He grasped at it and pulled it out, holding it as close as he could to him, not minding the smell.

"Let usss go kit. I can ssssenssse ssssomething from outssside," Raja hissed cautiously. Harry nodded his head, tremoring a bit from the cold as well as the past breakdown. He treaded out and pulled up his hood, covering his eyes and hair from the wind. As he continued down the path, he let his thoughts wander.

"I miss Aunt Petunia. Although I didn't like it there, it was warm. I'm not warm, it's so cold." He entered an abandoned building that was falling apart. Several roof tiles were missing, windows were cracked, and the door was open. His bag landed with a thump and Harry pulled over an old rocking chair from the corner. He pulled out a blanket from his backpack and wrapped it around himself, shivering.

Raja coiled tighter around his body, trying his best to also stay warm.

"What do I do now, Raja? I can't keep doing this....once is enough," Harry mumbled, pulling the blanket around himself as close as he could.

"Don't think about it now kit, let'ssss think about this tomorrow. Ssssleep now, I will ssstay with you."

Harry nodded slightly and shoved his head under the blanket, trying to adjust to sleeping in a rocking chair. He had just found this building two days prior. He had been sleeping in several alleys before that.

Unknowst to him, a figure in a black cloak watched him with hooded eyes. The figure stood still before waving his hand, a fire magically lighting itself in the small fireplace next to the rocking chair. It burned by itself, with no wood or fuel. He then chuckled and murmured,

"I finally found you.......Raven"

Author Note--

Hey guys!!

I know I haven't updated in a while, so I apologize for that. I've been quite busy with schoolwork. Anyway, thank you to everyone who has been reading this book. It's the first time I'm writing an entire book and, not a one-shot, so wish me luck!!!

Cya next chapter!!

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