Old Goblin Lady Tia

380 21 9


"Siriusly?" - talking

'Raven' - thinking

'you are an idiot!' - telepathy

"Wolf in sheep's clothing" - parseltongue

-YOU!- - spell

Harry walked into the room, it feeling much larger than it had been before. He had spent a lot of time to finally get here. He looked left to right, searching for Eurig in the goblin-cluttered desks situated at each corner. He saw the goblin he talked with for the first time, Afwerki, and headed towards him, careful not to get swallowed by the currents of people flowing in and out. It wasn't a problem though, given his dirty clothes, people took care to avoid him.

"A-Afwerki!" Harry whisper-shouted, hoping to get the attention of the goblin. It was no use to the goblin though, who now had something in his ears to shield himself from the rude customer yelling at his old, bearded face. 

Raja, who was currently wrapped around his waist hissed slightly as someone roughly brushed past them. He poked his diamond-shaped head from under his shirt, tongue flicking out to taste the air before quickly snapping back in. "Dissssgusssting..."He snuggled into the warmth of Harry's body as Harry wiped the sweat from his forehead. 

With Raja wrapped around him, the sun shining brightly and hot like lava, and Gringotts feeling like a metal container heated atop a blue fire, Harry would very much like to go to Eurig in his office underground where it was cold and dreary. 

He yelled at Afwerki again, this time louder, "AFWERKI!" Afwerki's head turned to him quickly and recognition flicked through his eyes. Harry gave a little wave to him as he stepped forward. The old goblin banged the golden ringer with his bronze gravel and the man who was arguing with him stood, stunned. 

Harry saw a bunch of buffed-up goblins coming towards the desk. One reached fast and pulled the man's arm, whispering something in his ear that made the man turn pale and tremble, pushing him through the crowd towards the door. They disappeared and Afwerki gestured at Harry to step up, ignoring the messy line of people waiting for their turn. They shouted and pointed fingers, before shutting up when Afwerki glared at them.

Afwerki wiggled his gnarled fingers at Harry again, impatiently tapping his nails on the wooden desk. Harry stepped onto the little platform in front of the goblin and found himself on his tip-toes, eyes barely above the table line. Afwerki sighed and slammed the gravel on the bell three times in a row. He then stood up slowly, grabbed Harry's thin arms, and pulled him towards the glamorous back doors.

As they traveled through the same hallways they had before, Harry stayed silent, eagerly waiting for Afwerki to start the conversation. "You are turning six in a few months, yes?"

"Uh, yes?" Harry questioned, he wasn't so sure about the answer himself. He didn't exactly have time to keep track as the dates pass quickly when you're trying to survive.

Afwerki stayed quiet after that remark, leaving Harry in awkward silence. He soon overcame it though, as they entered the room with the seven statues. Even having seen them once, Harry felt his mouth open and gape as he took in the sight once more. 

The statues looked the same, yet something was different. Harry didn't know what, but he could feel it. Afwerki took a look at his marveling face and smirked, unbeknownst to Harry. He walked forward, leaving Harry, and before Harry could rush after him, he tapped the ground twice with his foot and ordered him to stay there. 

"I'll go get Eurig."

Harry didn't mind being alone, he was preoccupied with the statues. As he moved closer to the one with the card folded to his heart, he saw someone the size of a goblin sitting on the stone beneath the statue. "Hello?" He called out, "Are you lost?"

A deep chuckle erupted from the figure as it stood up, the tiny robe falling to drag on the floor. Harry gasped when he got a look at the person-no, the goblin. She was old, visibly older than Afwerki, with large wrinkles and smile lines covering her face. Her face was peppered in little tiny dots and her eyes were a reptilian yellow, glowing with knowledge beyond the years and a lifetime of mischief.

Harry stood still, feeling like he was being drawn into those eyes. They sucked him in, pulled him into the endless coves of knowledge. The goblin looked towards him and smiled, seemingly aware of Harry's problem. She turned away, and Harry took a deep breath, released from its hold.

He heard her mumbling, "....not yet....soon..." before she called out to him, "Corvus."

Harry subconsciously answered back, "Yes?" She grinned at him with yellow teeth on display as he turned on himself in confusion. 'Who's Corvus? Why did I answer her?' Before he could delve into this more, the goblin stepped closer, raising her arms, revealing tons of dangling bracelets all linked onto one another, as if it were something that was restraining her.

"Recognize these, Corvus?"

Harry somehow did. A vision of screams and golden light pierces through his vision, leaving him in the dark. He takes off his glasses and wipes them, setting them back on, and waits for his eyes to adjust. He stays silent, brewing his mind in fear and confusion.

She huffed, dropping her arms and plopping back down onto the stone. Harry looked helpless, not knowing what to do to appease this old goblin lady. Luckily, the goblin patted the place next to her and Harry immediately dove into the place, sitting criss-cross.

"Sapientia," the goblin said, staring at the statues in front of her. "Call me Tia."

'Wisdom.' Harry translated automatically. 'Wait, no, how did I know that?' A loud, purposeful throat rumbling took him back to reality and he introduced himself, "Harry."

"No," Tia denied strongly as soon as he said it like it wasn't his name. And he wondered why some part of him agreed.

"Um, what are you doing here?"

"No reason," she replied, calmly examining her long and crooked nails. Harry thought she could use a nail cutter, but that would be rude, so he didn't say it. They stayed silent before Tia turned towards him. "He still hasn't told you, yes?"

Harry startled, "Hmm?"

She stared at him for an uncomfortable minute longer and he squirmed under her eyes. They seemed to glow yellow. Harry felt himself get lightheaded and he fell, getting caught by Tia. She pressed a sharp nail to his forehead and whispered something in a foreign language, "Scio te hic, mi rex, exi modo."

She watched him as he closed his eyes. After a moment, it snapped open, eyes gleaming like the depths of the killing curse. Harry's head tilted to the right unnaturally, a small grin on his face. Tia knelt swiftly, her wrinkly right arm taking place in front of her chest and her head bowed, "Ο βασιλιάς μου".


Hi everyone!! 

You all already know that I write on a flow right? But I'm also trying to keep on the original track of my summary and plot plans, keyword: trying.

I'll do my best at this and you guys do what you do best okay? Be my support!!!

As I promised, more than one chapter for 100 followers, so click the next chapter button after commenting on how it was, okay?

- Eden

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