Chapter 2

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Kenzie's POV
*we arrived at the university so we parked the car and headed inside*
Jay:been a while since I been in this school !
Kenzie:you went here ?
Jay:no no my cousin did
Kenzie:and you came why?
Jay:she was in the band and they had a concert
Kenzie:oh that makes sense! *smiles*
*we headed into the main office *
?:hi officers ! Can I help you ?
Kenzie:yeah ! Two of your students Sarah Jane and Gia white died early this morning
?:oh my goodness! This is the first I've heard of this
Jay:we were wondering if we could maybe look through there dorms or talk to there friends ?
?:yeah yeah I'll get you a list
Kenzie:thank you !
?:i am miss whirling but please call me Annie and here is the list of their friends and classmates and their dorm room numbers are on the bottom !
Jay:thank you so much Annie ! This is very helpful
*we left the office and stood out in the main foyer*
Jay:wanna go to the dorm rooms first or talk?
Kenzie:I say get the talking over with cause we might find all the info we need
*we looked at the paper and decided to talk to go #1 on the list which was Jenna Mable so we headed up to her class that she was in and knocked on the door*
?:hello officers ! How can I help you ?
Kenzie:is Jenna Mable here ?
?:yeah she's over there why ?
Kenzie:we just need to speak to her for a second
?:k Jenna ! Your dismissed !
*Jenna came over to the door*
Jenna:am I in trouble ?
Kenzie:no not at all we just need to talk to you
*we go down the hall a little bit and we sit down at a table*
Kenzie:do you know Sarah Jane and gia white ?
Jenna:yeah there my best friends why ?
Jay:well both of them passed away earlier this morning , we found there bodies on the side of the highway
Jenna:omg ! Are you serious ??
Kenzie:*nods* do you know anyone who want to do this to them ?
Jenna:there was this one guy that they have been hanging out with lately ! I think he's kinda sketchy honestly he's a lot older then all of us here and I haven't seen him around before
Jay:when did they start hanging out with him ?
Jenna:like 3 weeks ago was the first time I saw him here and he came over and talked to Sarah and gia
Kenzie:do you know his name ?
Jenna:yeah they said it was Jeremy Hoskins
Kenzie:k that was very helpful Jenna !
Jenna:can I Leave now ? I have a test in 20 mins
Jay:yeah of course !
*Jenna leaves and it's just me and jay*
Kenzie:he seems like our guy
Jay:yeah ! Let see if he has a dorm here ?
*we walked back into the main office and Annie came over again*
Annie:get anything ?
Jay:yeah we did actually!
Annie:that's great !
Kenzie:Annie , do you have a student here named Jeremy Hoskins ?
Annie:yeah I think so !
Kenzie:what class is he in right now ?
Annie:he actually has a free period right now so he should be in his dorm
Jay:what number is that ?
Annie:108 on the 2nd floor
Kenzie:thank you again Annie !
Annie:no problem
*we headed over to the elevator and we got in and headed up to the 2nd floor and when we arrived we went over to his room and knocked on the door*
?:hello ?
Jay:are you Jeremy Hoskins ?
?:no I'm his roommate Max
Kenzie:where's Jeremy ?
Max:idk I haven't seen him at all today
Jay:when was the last time you saw him ?
Max:last night so 11:30
Jay:was he leaving then or coming back ?
Kenzie:k thank you so much
Max:your welcome !
*we headed back down to the main floor and got in our truck and drove to the district and when we arrived we headed up to the bullpen*
Hank:anything ?
Jay:yeah ! We think our guy is Jeremy Hoskins
Hank:and why is that ?
Kenzie:Sarah and Gia's best friend Jenna said that the girls have been hanging out with lately he's a lot older then the girls and he only had been going here the last 3 weeks ! We headed up to his room and his roommate said he hasn't seen Jeremy since 11:30 last night and that's when he left the college
Hank:k can we get a pic of him ?
Kim:here he is ! *puts a pic on the board* Jeremy Hoskins 45 years old been charged with sexual assault and Murder was released from jail around 5 weeks ago
Erin:yeah I got him on security footage driving down the highway it then stops at the place where we found the girls and takes off again
Hank:alright ! Let's find out where this prick is to and let's get his ass back in cuffs
Adam:his address is 406 Brody's drive
Hank:alright let's suit and up get over there !
*we got suited up and got in our vehicles and we drove over to his address and the lights were on inside*
Hank:alright we enter on my count ! Kim and Adam I want you to go around back to make sure he doesn't go anywhere!
Kim:copy that !
Hank:jay you ready ?
Jay:ready when you are !
Hank:alright 1..2..3 breach
*we break down the door and run inside me and jay take the upstairs while Kevin and Erin take the basement and sarge Adam and Kim take the main floor*
Jay:*whispers into radio* clear
Kenzie:*whispers into radio*clear
*we are then left with 1 room left and we heard movement come from inside*
Jay:ready ?
*we kick down the door*
Kenzie:Chicago PD ! Let me see your hands
Jeremy:*points the gun at me* looks like you found me
Kenzie:Jeremy ! Drop the gun
Jeremy:not till you do pretty girl
Kenzie:you know it down work like that ! I put it down once you do
Jeremy:well I guess we're going to be here a while
Kenzie:good ! Cause I could stand here all day !
*jay then comes in behind me and points his gun*
Jay:put it down Jeremy !
Jeremy:oh did princess here need a partner
Kenzie:drop the gun Jeremy !!! *i yell*
*he finally caved in and dropped his gun and we put him in cuffs and we brought him down to patrol and we all headed back to the district*
Jay:Mollys ?
Kenzie:sure !
*I packed up my things and headed back to my apartment*

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