Chapter 3

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Kenzie's POV
*when I got back to my apartment I went straight to my bedroom and put away my gun and badge in my drawer and then got changed into something nice for Mollys *

*I put this outfit on and I put some curls in my hair and did some makeup and I headed out at around 7pm and I made it to mollys at 7:30 so I headed inside*Hermann:there she is ! The person I've been waiting to see !Kenzie:hey Hermann ! Long time ...

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*I put this outfit on and I put some curls in my hair and did some makeup and I headed out at around 7pm and I made it to mollys at 7:30 so I headed inside*
Hermann:there she is ! The person I've been waiting to see !
Kenzie:hey Hermann ! Long time no see !
Hermann:got that right ! It's been way to long
Kenzie:yeah I was busy in swat so I didn't really get much time time to come visit
Hermann:I'm just glad that your doing something you enjoy and taking it to the next level ! Your one hell of a cop Kenzie
Kenzie:aw thanks Hermann !
Hermann:what can I get ya to drink ?
Kenzie:I'll have a beer please
Hermann:alright do you wanna start a tab ?
Jay:that won't be necessary! Put it on mine Hermann
Hermann:alright !
Kenzie:jay ! What are you doing ?
Jay:what I'm buying you your beer ! What's so bad about that ?
Kenzie:idk it's just weird that's all
Jay:it's not now come sit down with us over there
Kenzie:ok !
*I grabbed my beer and followed jay over to a table where a bunch of people were sat that I didn't exactly recognize*
?:who's this ?
Jay:this is my partner Kenzie voight
?:voight ? As in Hank voight?
Kenzie:that's my dad
Otis:my names Brian but people call me Otis nice to meet you
Kenzie:nice to meet you to !
*I got introduced to everyone at the table and we started a conversation*
Joe:I haven't seen you around before
Kenzie:yeah that's cause I wasn't here I was in LA
Matt:LA ! What brings you back ?
Brett:where did you work before ?
Matt:damn you must be one hell of a cop !
Kenzie:I guess you can say that *smiles*
*we talked for a while and then I heard a voice I haven't heard in years*
Kelly:Kenzie Voight is that you ?
Kelly:hey ! *brings me into a hug* what brings you back to Chicago ?
Kenzie:got to close to a case
Kelly:are you back for good ?
Kenzie:yeah *smiles*
Kelly:that's great ! *smiles*
?:who's this ?
Kelly:oh Kenzie meet my fiancé Stella
Kenzie:hi it's nice to meet you ! *smiles*
Stella:nice to meet you to ! *smiles* how do you two know each-other ?
Kelly:childhood friends our fathers were good friends and we would see eachother at the one Chicago BBQs
Stella:no way ! Kenzie who's your father ?
Kenzie:Hank Voight
Stella:really ? That surprises me
Kenzie:why is that ?
Stella:you seem so nice and chill and he's very intimidating
Jay:oh when she's working she can be quite terrifying
Stella:oh I believe it *laughs*
Kelly:anyways we better get going we have work in the morning but it was nice to see you Kenzie
Kenzie:yeah ! Same to you *smiles*
*me and Kelly said goodbye and he walked out with Stella holding hands it made me happy that he finally settled down and found some love*
Kenzie:how long have Kelly and Stella been engaged ?
Matt:like 2 months now
Matt:yeah i was shocked when he told me he was engaged
Kenzie:yeah I'm in shock now ! I'm happy that he finally settled down for someone
Joe:well this isn't exactly his first time getting married
Kenzie:what? The Kelly severide was married before ?
Matt:that's a story for sure
Kenzie:I gotta hear it !
Joe:him and the guys planned a trip to Vegas but all the guys had something come up and weren't able to go so Kelly went himself
Kenzie:oh god you trusted him alone in Vegas ?
Otis:it will never happen again ! *laughs*
Matt:anyways when we came back he had a ring on his finger and he told us he was married
Joe:we all bursted out in laughter we didn't believe him
Matt:that was until we met the girl and it hit us that he wasn't joking but the marriage only lasted like a week
Kenzie:so he just married this girl after seeing each-other once ?
Matt:after 24 hours of knowing each-other
Kenzie:oh god !
Joe:that was something I'll never forget
Matt:me neither
Kenzie:I can't believe he did that ! He must have been drunk
Matt:I don't know but it was crazy
*I look at the clock and I realize that I should get back to the apartment since it's 10 and I live a half hour away*
Kenzie:I should get going but it was nice meeting and seeing all of you
Matt:yeah !
*I say my goodbyes to everyone and I pass jay on my way to the door*
Jay:you leaving?
Kenzie:yeah I live a half hour away and I really wanna get home before it's to late
Jay:alright see you tomorrow?
Kenzie:yeah !
*I get back in my car and I drive to my apartment and as soon as I arrive I go to my bedroom and I take off my clothes and put on a pair of sweatpants and a old t-shirt and I lye down in bed cause I am exhausted*

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