Chapter 4

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Kenzie's POV
*I woke up bright and early cause I wanted to head into work early so I could finish off some of the papers I never finished from Swat and my Transfer papers needed to be complete and sent in so I woke up at 5:30 and got dressed*

*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair up in a bun and did some makeup cause it was currently snowing outside which is typical winter here in Chicago but after I was done getting ready I put on my badge and gun and then I headed downstairs and...

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*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair up in a bun and did some makeup cause it was currently snowing outside which is typical winter here in Chicago but after I was done getting ready I put on my badge and gun and then I headed downstairs and grabbed my bag and got in my car and drive to the district*
At the district
*once I made it to the district the snow was getting heavier by the minute but I grabbed all my stuff and it took me like an hour to get here so now it was 6:45 am I headed inside and saw Trudy at the desk*
Trudy:morning Kenzie
Kenzie:morning Trudy !
*I head upstairs and it was empty so I sat at my desk and started filling out all my paperwork that I needed to get done and around 7:30 everyone started coming upstairs*
Jay:your here early
Kenzie:yeah I had some paperwork needed to be done by the end of the day
Hailey:the transfer papers ?
Kenzie:that and some old cases that I needed to sign off on
Jay:makes sense
Kim:is sarge not here ?
Kenzie:he hasn't came in yet
Adam:that's strange
Kenzie:I'm sure he's fine
An hour and a half later
*we were all just at our desks waiting for sarge to come in and he finally did like 2 hours later*
Sarge:Kenzie my office !
*I get up out of my seat and follow him inside his office*
Kenzie:whats going on ?
Hank:don't freak out but the FBI informed me about a group of men who go around targeting Police officers and they were seen in Chicago around your house last night on security cameras
Kenzie:what are you trying to say ?
Hank:I went over to your house and I found bugs under your front door Matt and inside the vents
Kenzie:oh my god !
Hank:do you have anywhere you can stay that's not my house v
Kenzie:I can probably stay at jays
Hank:get jay in here and we keep this low profile you understand me
*I open the door and signal jay to come in*
Jay:what's going on ?
Hank:Kenzie's Being targeted by the kill PD squad we think she's there next victim and she needs somewhere safe to stay as I went over and found bugs around her house
Jay:you wanna stay at mine ?
Kenzie:if you don't mind
Jay:I don't not At all
Hank:now we keep this between us no one else gets to know you understand me ?
Jay:crystal clear
Kenzie:but what are they going to do about it ?
Hank:there not sure yet the FBI is working this case but you also can't go anywhere in your car anymore until this is done cause there's probably a bug of tracker on your car so that stays here!
Hank:we need to tell the team tho are you okay with that ?
Kenzie:I thought we were keeping it low profile ?
Hank:keeping it within the team that's all !
*we leave his office and I go into the break room and break down in tears and within minutes I feel arms wrap around me*
Jay:hey it's ok
Kenzie:why am I there target ? I don't understand
Jay:it could of been anyone of us and this group goes around all of America targeting police officers of all different districts and teams they don't have preference
Kenzie:how did they pick me ?
Jay:I'm not sure but I'm going to keep you safe okay ?
Kenzie:thanks jay! It means a lot
*i wipe my tears and try to bring myself together before heading back out to the bullpen cause no one can see me crying like this or they will know something happened*
Erin:you good ?
Kenzie:yeah I will be
Hank:everybody in we have a issue
Kevin:what's going on ?
Hank:what I'm about to tell you stays between us no one else finds out not even anyone downstairs
Erin:is everything okay ?
Hank:Kenzie is being targeted by the kill PD squad I found bugs and trackers around her house vents and under her car this morning
Erin:oh my god !
Kim:the kill PD squad ? Aren't they in Ohio somewhere ?
Hank:they move around and now there targeting Kenzie and probably others
Kevin:what are we supposed to do with information?
Hank:we keep it within our selves ! The FBI is working the case but if the kill PD squad find out we know we could be in huge trouble do you understand
Adam:Loud and clear
Hank:I'm sending you all home and I want you to check around your homes for bugs or trackers and if you find one don't remove it leave it there and come back here to me and I'll take care of it!
Erin:Kenzie where are you staying ?
Kenzie:at jays
Erin:alright If you need anything let me know
Kenzie:thanks !
*we all packed up our things and I followed jay out to his truck*
Jay:you don't look okay Kenzie
Kenzie:I'm not *tears stream down my face* I've never been this scared before
Jay:I know I know but hopefully they will relize your not home and forget about you
Kenzie:I'll never be able to go home jay it won't feel the same
Jay:you can stay with me for however long you feel like okay ?
Kenzie:thanks jay !
Jay:no problem just looking out for you *smiles*
*we made it to his house and I sat down on the couch out of exhaustion*
Jay:wanna a beer ?
Kenzie:yes please
*jay hands me a beer and he goes out to check
For bugs or trackers and he never found any and then he join me on the couch*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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