Chapter 17 - Destruction

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As the guards presented the prisoner to the battalion, Mikey was able to get up on his knees and sit on the floor, his brothers expected him to be scared, but to theirs and everyone else's surprise, Hamato was incredibly calm, even holding up a smirk on his face, not that his brothers were able to focus on it much as they inspected his state from a distance, getting a glimpse of a few scars, specially the giant one on their little brother's face, they were about to step in before something stopped them, the guards grabbed Mikey's face and asked if he had anything to say before the torture began, seeing the opportunity, Mikey shut his eyes calmly and nodded, finally being allowed to speak.

🟠 - "Hello, so uh... my name is Michelangelo Hamato and I fight for the Revolution, I have been looking forward to out victory for a long time and I couldn't be more thankful for the way it turned out, I did my part... and now you all gave to me a brand new opportunity of service and I wanted to thank you for your consideration."

The crowd looked weird out and confused, bit some were amused, thinking the rebel had turned into a powerless and submitted servant, but what came next caught them mostly off guard.

🟠 - "During my time here I was carried around this lovely facility and met some... "wonderful" people on the way, you pratically gave me a tour and allowed me to map out the whole perimeter of this place, it was really helpful, unfortunately for you, while you're all so busy planning all the ways you intend to make me suffer, I planted a little surprise for you right under your noses, but I'm just warning, if you even dare to touch me... I'll make sure this whole base will burn."

Not wanting to hear what he said, a soldier stepped in and punched Hamato in the face, the impact was so strong that it threw him onto the floor, he wasn't feeling defeated, just disappointed, the other soldiers cheer him on as he rested his foot on top of Mikey's shell to assert dominance, as the cruel soldier walked away waving his arm to the amazed crowd, his brothers felt something snap and Raph was the first that tried to step in until Mikey just began laughing, everyone looked at him with disgust and a bit of horror, but then, Michelangelo raised both of his fists to the sky and slammed them onto the floor, some soldier stepped back in fear, but nothing happened, or so they thought, the ground began to shake like crazy as thousands of flaming chains rised up from the ground, some of them wrapped up around the buildings and lifted them off the floor, Leo, Donnie and Raph looked around in utter shock once they recognized that as Mikey's ninpō, they looked back at Michelangelo as the youngest turtle set himself on fire.

Mikey was laughing like a maniac as he heard the screams of his enemies, who were all trying to run away but being stopped by the storm of mystic chains blowing them away and fire walls rising from the floor, the scene was like it came out of a horror movie, with Mikey being in the role of a demonic villain who was feeling thrilled by the suffering and fear others had of him, as Mikey's body burned in golden flames, the chains that binded him melted away like butter, Mikey controlled the melted substance (kinda like a water/metal bender) and used the metal to make himself a dramatic weapon, with a movement of his hands, he shaped the metal into a huge double axe, just like the one he always uses on battle, that once it was on his hands, he absorbed the heat through his touch, causing the metal to cool down and harden, he wished to put fear in his enemies' hearts before slaying all of them brutally, his brothers were all caught up on the chaos, being pushed around by fleeing soldiers and trying to scape the fire and wreckage falling from the sky, the buildings that were raised off the floor were now collapsing mid-air because of the gravity.

Michelangelo was suddenly approached by someone, but instead of fighting, they greeted eachother, that soldier was an infiltree that was working with the revolutionaries, they gave Hamato a bag with all of his stolen belongings before using a device to teleport back to the General's HQ to file their discoveries, Mikey chose to stay and finish the what he started, it'd be a pity to leave the job only half done, using his mystic chains as a plataform, Mikey lifted himself off the ground and stood above the havoc he caused, looking down at the miserable people that were burning in despair, it was time for the final blow, Mikey inhaled as much air he could and canalized all of his energy in his heart, then he exhaled, closing his eyes to deepen his focus, he lowered his hands and searched for fire power below the ground, finding a layer of magma underneath the base, after a lot of effort and sweat, Michelangelo was able to raised the magma to the surface, flooding the base with lava, he could hear the screams of pain making their way up to his location, the screams passed by like the wind, he did felt some guilt about what he was doing, but the anger was greater, he had adapted to violence during the war and he was not going to pass the chance of helping his comrades get an upper hand, that what he was made for afterall, Draxum made and designed him and his brothers to be weapons of war, they were meant to destroy humanity as a whole all by themselves and they surely had the power and potential to do so, but of course, they would never hurt humans, but these people, these guys are just nasty, so he kept going, still unaware that his brothers were even there.

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