Date pt.1

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Author's note: I dedicate this chapter to my sweet readers, who patiently waited and asked for this to continue!! Thank you all for 3k+ reads!! Love you all!! xoxo >3<

As a thank you, I would make this chapter longer than the usual!!

Author's PoV

Jumi had another dream as she woke up, "Wah! IthoughtIwasdeadandnoonecaredformeandeveryonewasignoringmeandwaspassingthroughlikeI'mjustacloudofsmokeandIcriedandevenRuriunnieisstillmadatme!" She exclaimed in one breath.

Jumi suddenly moaned in pain as strike of headache hit her hard. She closed her eyes tightly, hoping the pain would go away.

Slowly it did, but not completely.

The lass sighed, "I guess that could possibly happen right?" she smiled sadly.

"But no! I should think positive!" she said with motivaton and fist pumped, but then slouched again and heaved a sigh,

"Okay, I'm positive that it could happen." she pouted.

"Whatever, I shouldn't start the day with a frown! I should be smiling! Like what my papa always say!"


"Knock knock!" Jumi cheerfully said as she always do. Putting up a smile that once you see it, you'll eventually smile too.

But not this time for Leo.

Leo opened the door, since he was just near it, while the others are in their own room, occupied with thoughts for their upcoming comeback, which means, another album filled with their songs.

Just as Jumi saw Leo, her smile grew wider. "Good morning oppa! Hehehe~" Jumi giggled as he saw Leo still has his bed hair.

She went inside and made Leo sit down on the floor. Leo just laid his back down on the couch.

Jumi went in Leo's room and immediately found his comb and took it. Going out his room and sitting down the couch behind Leo.

She combed Leo's and hummed a very familiar song. Leo closed his eyes and listened, enjoying the moment .

Jumi's PoV

Wah~~~ As always, Taekwoonie's hair is sooooooo soft!! And his bed hair is cute!! :">

I placed the comb beside me and caressed his hair.

So soft~~~ ~(+0+)~

Sneakily, I made fun of his hair and he never even realize it! Not even a single bit! He thought that I was just ruffling and caressing his hair.

"Taekwoonie, I'm just going to prepare something." I said and he nodded, then I dashed to the kitchen and prepared simple ingredients because I noticed that he hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

I took some cabbage and washed it, then cooked some beef and made some dip. I'll feed Taekwoonie some ssam.

I went back to the living room and placed the ssam on the table. Just when he yawned, I fed him the ssam I made and saw his surprised expression but soon turned back to a calm one.

"Is it good?" I asked and he nodded his head. I quickly sat in front of him and took a picture. After, I made it as my wallpaper and left my lock screen the way it is.

I giggled and slightly felt my cheeks hot as my heart flipped and butterflies in my stomach multiplying in population.

I could ask Santa to have you wrapped up as a present for me in Christmas.

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