Part 3

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Her uncertainty seems to be long gone by the time Tim opens the door to find her waiting for him on his stoop, her eyes fiery with excitement and anticipation as she gazes up at him. She's ditched the denim jacket, and Tim has to press his eyes closed and collect himself for a moment to recover from the sight of her in that dress.

His eyes zero in on hers while still mentally debating what the fuck he is doing, despite being almost certain the battle has already been lost. She is here. Looking like that. Looking up at him with uninhibited desire in her eyes. There's no turning back if he wanted to, and he's not entirely certain that he does.

His throat is suddenly dry, his voice hoarse when he finally speaks, "If we do this, it's a one time thing. Tomorrow, I'm your TO again, and this didn't happen."

Lucy nods, "Yes, sir." She takes a step closer to him, placing a hand on his chest, and Tim can feel his willpower bottoming out.

He closes his hand over her wrist, "Chen — I'm serious."

She lifts her eyes to his, "So am I. Never happened," she repeats.

She continues when he doesn't release her wrist, the fact that he's conflicted still written all over his face. "Tim. I get it. The rookie-TO thing is obviously taboo. But we're two consenting adults. It's just sex. It doesn't have to be anything more than that. But if you don't want to..."

She sighs when he still doesn't respond, "Look, I told you why I was at the bar, so if you made me drive all the way over here just so you can let me down gently on your doorstep, then please just tell me now so I can try and salvage some of my night and the tiny sliver that's left of my self-confidence." She averts her gaze as she runs a shaky hand back through her hair, clearly now also second-guessing their decision.

He doesn't know why the idea of her going home with some random at the bar bothers him so much, doesn't know when exactly he had started to feel so strangely protective toward her, and as fucked up as it is to even be considering this as her TO, in some way, this — she and him — still feels like the better choice for them both.

He releases her wrist and steps back so she can enter. Clearly, they are doing this.

With the door securely closed behind them, he reaches for her, tugging her closer to him by her forearm, but stopping just short of actually making the first move. She returns her hand to its spot on his chest as she tilts her head back to meet his eyes, before sliding her palm down his stomach to the bottom of his Henley. He allows her to pull it halfway up over his abs before reaching back to yank it the rest of the way over his head and tossing it aside

He dips his head to kiss her, enjoying the feel of her stepping into him, her body pressing up against his, far more than he's willing to admit. Her arms twine around his neck and she launches on her tiptoes to return the kiss. Her lips are soft and warm against his and she somehow tastes exactly like he expects her to — like the fruity minty fusion of that gum she is always sneaking in the shop even though technically it's against regulation to chew gum while on shift.

His fingers grasp at the hem of her dress, and she steps back just enough so that he can pull it up and over her head. They both pause, each breathing more rapidly as Tim slowly drinks her in, standing there in nothing but her heels and a matching set of black lace underwear.

She toes off her shoes, and for a moment he is reminded how tiny she is, how easy it is to forget that when she's proven time and time again how fearless and ridiculously capable she is. Unable to wait a second longer, he pulls her back so she is flush against him, this time the warmth of her skin directly against his elevating his every sensation as he kisses her again.

Her fingers work at his belt buckle, then the button and zipper of his jeans. Their hands collide as they both work to shove the pants down his legs. He steps out of them after they puddle on the floor. It strikes him how ridiculous it is that they haven't even made it out of his foyer, but no one can accuse either one of them of not being single-minded once they commit to a course of action.

And again, as soon as the clothing is out of the way, he slips his arm around her waist, pulling her back even more tightly against him before allowing his hands to wander to the generous curve of her ass. She seems to know his next move before he does, arms and legs wrapping around him automatically as he lifts her, walking her into his bedroom, their lips barely breaking contact as he navigates through the house.

They tumble onto his bed, kissing almost violently as Tim maneuvers to get her on her back and she resists, pushing back against his shoulders and chest with her hands.

They tussle like this back and forth, lips not parting even as they war for dominance.

Tim finally gives in, allowing Lucy to force him onto his back. He lifts his hands in a gesture of mock surrender as she climbs over him, a slight smirk curving his lips as he watches her take charge of the situation.

She settles herself on top of him in a straddle, her fingers sliding down his chest as she rolls her hips against him one time.

His body's response to her gyration is immediate, though his face gives nothing away as he continues to observe her, waiting to see what her next move will be.

Eyes locked on his, she reaches behind her to undo the clasp of her bra, watching every bit of his reaction as she begins to slip it off, pausing with the straps halfway down her arms to gauge his anticipation.

And though he'd been able to maintain some semblance of an unaffected game face up to this point, he is pretty sure the jig is now up.

His pupils are blown wide and he runs his tongue over his lips as he attempts to steady his breathing, waiting.

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