Part.3.Washington Forks

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In the state of Washington and a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there's a small town named forks.
Population, 3120 people.
This is where we will be moving.
My dads Charlie.
He's the chief of police

As I see my 2 daughter that I haven't seen since they where 14 but they have grown to become beautiful girl while growing up without them and I hope while they are hear we could connect again . Like old time.
As where driving to forks I ask Bella as she sits at the front while Silvia is at the back asleep since she hates planes and doesn't want to sleep but would sleep in the car where we are ok the ground since she is scared of height. I'm so awkward talking but I just have to try.
'Your hair is longer Bella.'
'I cut it since last time I saw you.'
'Guess it grey out again.'
As we are home I wake Silvia up and tell her we are hear we get the bags and go upstairs to there individual rooms since they grew up, I help Bella up since she brought out more bags Thant Silvia since all her clothes are hear and ship of from phoenix.
The I walked into Silvia room and ask her if she needs anything.

As I leave to get change and go outside to meet Jacob and billy since they are bringing Bella and Silvia truck that I got them together as a gift

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As I leave to get change and go outside to meet Jacob and billy since they are bringing Bella and Silvia truck that I got them together as a gift

As I got down from packing I told Bella to come down since dads friend might come over , as I was about to turn Bella asks me to wait since she would be awkward walking alone and meeting people , and I said I would wait for her as she is clumsy and awkward like dad as
I look like my dad but I got personality and kindness from mother .
As we walk down to go outside we meet billy and Jacob bit Jacob had his eyes all on Bella like seriously where is my Romeo since Bella has a kid and a old man after her like it's true like Jacob is 16 while Edward like 109 and that disgusting but what can I say maybe I will meet my Romeo but what I didn't notice was that SAM FREAKING UlEY is hear like what that didn't happen in the movie or book , but it might change since I'm head but the look Sam gave is the look Jacob had when he imprinted on rennesme.
It looks like my wish is coming true .

Today I came will bill and Jacob to meet the swan girls since it's been a month where I broke up with Leah as I become a shifter and and leading from the elder but when we where getting closer to the swan house I smelled vanilla and strawberry and honey that taste delicious the elders told me a week ago about imprints as I was getting the tool box to fix Silvias bedroom yes I know there name because I used to have a crush on Silvia when I was a kid but I was older than her but as I was getting around I notice the smell became stronger and as I look up I see her , I see Silvia but not just that , I found out she's MY IMPRINT not just that but my long time crush is my imprint I'm so happy even thought in her eyes it looks like she know what's up but how I will ask her when I get to her bedroom and tell her .

For know I will get more ideas but this doesn't mean I will stop writing but I will continue on when I get more ideas on what to write . Good bye form now.

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