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IMAGINE . . . .

You were the new hot shot of the school
and Jesse St. James had his eyes on you.


You walked into the choir room. You had talked to Mr. Schue earlier about auditioning and as you strutted your way over to an open chair, Jesse couldn't take his eyes off you. It's been that way since you started at the school.

He looked up as you passed by and you were a sight to see. He was in awe, he's never seen a person so amazing. He felt this energy that you were giving off and that energy was confidence with a mix of fierce. He admired it.

You noticed him staring as you sat down, "What?"

"Oh nothing." He looked you up and down, "I just can't wait to get to know you."

You squinted your eyes, "What makes you think I want to get to know you?"

He lightly chuckled, "Everyone wants to get to know me. Besides I like someone with a little pep in their step."

Before you could even say anything back, a clap of hands were heard and everyone quieted down to face the front. It was Schuester and he was just about to start the lesson for the day after introducing you to the class first.

 It was Schuester and he was just about to start the lesson for the day after introducing you to the class first

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he's been growing on me this
time around

LOSERS, 𝙜𝙡𝙚𝙚 𝙜𝙞𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now