2.26 - Jordan III

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Natalie was taking it well, Jordan thought. Or, at least, she wasn't freaking out. Outwardly. Inwardly, who knew what was happening? And to be fair, Jordan's own composure extended only to the outside as well. Because she'd just told her best friend that she intended to become her 'endurance coach'. That she'd made it her personal goal to play with Natalie so frequently and thoroughly that she built up a strong resistance to that sensitive member between her legs.

And, with Natalie's skill likely having run its course, it was time to make good on that promise. Jordan guided Natalie's hand away—being rubbed down there also had Jordan's thoughts compromised, for obvious reasons—then put her hands on Natalie's hips and met her bright blue eyes with a serious gaze.

"So," Jordan said. "There's no reason to dawdle. This'll be session one."

Unfortunately, Jordan's calm tone could only set Natalie at ease so much. At the announcement, her eyes widened.

"Now?" She hesitated. "Are you sure, Jay?"

"What? You aren't comfortable with it?"

"It's not that I'm not," Natalie said, incredulous. Then, she blushed, as if she hadn't meant to give away how much she was okay with it. In a lower tone of voice, she insisted, "But you. You're fine? With that? With me?"

"I feel I've made that clear," Jordan replied coolly.

"But ... why?"

That was a dangerous question. "You're overthinking it, Nat. It's just some fun. We can be ... best friends with benefits."

'Best friends with benefits'. And the difference between that and being girlfriends was what, exactly?

Jordan obviously didn't voice the question. But really ... the way Natalie nodded slowly, as if her explanation made perfect sense. Knowing this irritating girl, a few weeks from now, she'd be stuffing Jordan full, slapping between her legs with desperate jerks, filling up her sixth condom and bringing Jordan to climax in a 'perfectly platonic way'.

She tried not to fidget at the imagery. It had invaded a bit too easily for comfort. But by the ways things were progressing, it might happen. This might result in, eventually, going all the way. What would that be like? Having Natalie inside her? Jordan hadn't ever cared much for phallic objects, but when Natalie was the one wielding it, the idea suddenly had much more appeal. To a burning, dizzying degree.

"Best friends with benefits," Natalie finally said. "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense."

Only to her it would.

But Jordan's plan had worked. She could hardly be mad.

"But still," Natalie said. "I feel like you're doing too much to help me."

"Then return the favor here and there," Jordan said, rolling her eyes.

The words just ... slipped from her. She was worked up from Natalie's groping session. It took visible effort to repress the wince. But, they'd been said. No taking them back.

"Return the favor?"

"Just a joke," Jordan said, shrugging, trying to brush past it. "So. Do you want my hands or mouth first?"

The distraction should have worked. Instead, Natalie's gaze stayed locked to her, almost predatory.

Natalie stepped forward, pushing Jordan with her body. Jordan pressed into the stall's wall, and Natalie loomed over her, the height difference becoming suddenly apparent. Natalie had several inches on her, and was stronger, too—Jordan had always admired those defined biceps.

"Return the favor," Natalie repeated. The expression on her face was so intense Jordan's breath caught. "Jay. Do you want me to fuck you?"

Her brain blanked out.


Where had this come from?

Yes, Natalie was confident, and this was probably how she acted around most girls. But she'd been so hesitant with Jordan. Well. Mostly. Not always. But still.

Staring up at Natalie, her control started to slip. She started panting, heart racing, as she looked into Natalie's blue eyes and failed to find a response. She probably should act unaffected. That was for the best. But she couldn't.

"I've been an idiot, haven't I?" Natalie asked, voice low. "Of course you get worked up. Here you've been helping me, and I've neglected you." She leaned an inch closer. "I'll make up for it, starting now. So. Do you want me to fuck you, Jay?"

Jordan shivered, pressed into the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling dizzy from how rapidly the dynamic had changed. So. This was Natalie when she was on the hunt. When Jordan had slotted—thought not consciously—as 'romantic partner' and not 'best friend'.

Natalie leaned close, murmuring into Jordan's ear. "Answer me, Jay."

"Y-Yes." She couldn't have stopped the response if she'd tried.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Nat. I want you to fuck me."

"With my hands or mouth?"

She'd thrown the question back at her—the one Jordan had asked not a minute ago. Fair play.

"Mouth." The response came out shaky. "I want your tongue inside me."

Natalie kissed the side of Jordan's neck. "Good. Thank you for telling me." Another kiss, higher up, on her jawline. Finally, she pressed one to Jordan's lips, slow and soft, which had something coming apart inside her. "From now on, you tell me when you want something. Friends with benefits. That works two ways. Understand?"

What had Jordan done? She would never be able to survive this arrangement. Maybe she could take care of Natalie without falling apart, but the reverse?

"Do you understand?" Natalie repeated.



One last kiss, then Natalie got down on her knees. The sight almost made Jordan faint.

Natalie's fingers went to Jordan's pants. "Then let's get these off. It's time to return the favor."

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