Chapter 14: Return

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She woke up half an hour late than she usually wakes up. Her eyes were puffy, mascara mixed tears trailing her face, her nose was stuffed and her eyes were red. Her entire body was sore since she had slept on the ground last night. She looked on the floor to see red metallic smelling liquid. Next to it a sharp paper cutter. She looked at her arm to see the long cut she made and a few small ones. The cuts weren't cleaned. The blood stain drawing all over her left arm. The cutter on the floor having blood on it. The large cut still pouring out the red liquid. She traced the cuts with her index not caring that it hurts. She laughed to herself.

"It's been a while since I did this."

Then a loud banging on the door was heard. "Amity you better hurry up or so help me!" Shouted a voice behind it. "Coming Mother!" Amity answered. She got up and quickly took a bath. Dressing herself in her uniform and cleaning the blood stains on the floor she grabbed her bag and got out. Not before grabbing a jacket. She saw her mother standing at the door with a stern look. She walked up to her mother and turned towards her, "good morning mother. I apologise for being late, it will never happen again," she apologised nonchalantly.

A loud slap was heard.

Amity turned to her mother with a blank expression. "If it happens once more I will do worse than that, understood?" Amity nodded. "Good now best be quick to school now," Odalia said in her usual cold tone. Amity walked out of the manor and into the limo where Hubert was waiting. "It's good to see you again Miss Blight. My apologies for not coming quicker that day to pick you up. I am deeply sorry." Amity looked out the window not caring about what he said as he drove her to school. Once arriving Amity quickly got out not saying her usual goodbyes to Hubert. It broke his heart to see her so cold but he knew she wouldn't be like this for no reason. He felt bad for the little Blight. Only if she had the freedom her older siblings had. But unfortunately he couldn't do anything nor it'll either cost his job and the rest of his careers. He sighed and drove off.

Amity walked the hallways of Hexside head high. Everyone was shocked to see her. It started when she entered the doors of Hexside when a student saw Amity. He gasped making a few others turn to his direction. Seeing where he was looking at they also gasped in shock seeing Amity. But all that shock quickly died down once Boscha quickly ran into her direction. "Amity!" She yelled. Amity didn't bother looking at Boscha's direction but the girl enveloped her into a tight hug making Amity wince. The stinging pain of the cuts she had on her arm. She didn't have time to aid it since she was going to be late. She only managed to clean off the blood stains. Boscha didn't seem to notice that Amity was in pain as the girl pulled away.

"Are you ok? Who did this to you? My god I missed you so much." Boscha pulled Amity in for another hug. Amity ignored the pain once again and smiled. "It's good to see you again Boscha." She hugged Boscha back. Boscha pulled back and gasp. "Amity what happened?" She asked. "What do you mean?" Boscha pulled her into the nearest bathroom. "Look at yourself." Amity looked at Boscha in confusion before looking in the mirror. There, on her face, a red bruise. She completely forgotten to cover up the slap earlier. "Tell me, what happened to you?" Boscha said, concerned about her best friend. "It's nothing." She said it as if she wasn't sure herself. But she knew the truth. But she knew, she knew what happened to her. All the pain she had suffered, endured all those years she lived. No one would listen to her if she told them. They would say that she's lying. No one cared. No one did.


"I'm fine. I just need a moment."

Boscha wanted to say no but Amity cut her. "Alone, please." Her friend was hesitant but she decided to give her friend the time she needs. Before Boscha left, Amity told her one more thing, "just don't tell anyone about this. Not even Luz. Please." Boscha nodded and left, that' when Amity took out some concealer and covered up the bruise. It stung a lot but she went through with the pain. Once hidden she quickly left the restroom. The halls were quiet only a few students were wondering around. "Guess the bell has rung moments ago," she thought. She walked to her first class and knocked on the door before entering. As she did, everyone turned their direction towards her, the teacher was surprised. "Miss Blight. What a surprise. How have you been?" He asked. "I'm fine." She walked over to her seat. Everyone's gaze followed her before the teacher cleared his throat.

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