Prologue - The Past can hurt.

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Baron Draxums Lab
Lou Jitsu had been brought there for his DNA, Draxum was wandering around as the vines carried a small box filled with turtles after him, he walked over glancing at Lou Jitsu sitting in the cage out of vines meditating
The Yokai walked around putting the box down as he started talking about his plan to Lou Jitsu who had not been listening as he got distracted by the turtles in the box besides him, he reached out and grabbed one turtle which quickly had been ripped from his hands and put into the machine which would mutate them and turn them into killing machines, as he watched them he did not want them to get hurt he looked at Draxum. Lou had sworn to never fight again but in this very moment he needed to do something to help these turtles.

He tried his best to get out of the cage as the mutation process already had begun and the turtles started to mutate, he ripped himself out of the cage with his usual catchphrase "HOT SOUP!" he sprinted forwards and started to attack Draxum.
Draxums Gargoyles, Huginn and Muninn, saw the scene unfold and wanted to help as they tried to free their friend the pony and got kicked straight up into the source of power for the machine which started to give out small electricity waves

The turtles were slowly taken out of the machine and slid down to the floor covered in ooze as they tried to get up on their own unsure of what was going on..
Meanwhile Draxum and Lou were fighting, Draxum stopped and looked at the machine, yelling as the machine started to go crazy

Lou noticed the turtles on the ground and went over to help them, scooping them up "Don't worry my friends you will be safe now" he said to the turtles looking around seeing the lab going crazy, every single animal in the cages were screaming and tried to get out, looking left and right he rushed over to a red button and hit it with full force, every animal got released quickly.
Putting his hand in his pocket trying to check onto his rat friend Lou Jitsu had a smile on his face as it had suddenly bit him and jumped off "OW-! WHY YOU LITTLE-" He screamed but got cut off as the machine spilled some ooze right onto him

The mutation Happened fast he did not even have enough time to process as everything was going down he had tried to make a run for it while Draxum had already brought himself to safety, he still had to get himself and his turtle friends out, most of the machines started malfunctioning and exploding, he was running as an explosion had caught him off guard and he ended up dropping two of the turtles, he tried to turn back and grab them but another machine exploded and sent him flying out to the lab.

Leaving the two turtles confused and scared on the ground until..


The Lab exploded. Lou had no choice but to get away from that place quickly before they'd go after him, he felt horrible for the two turtles he had left back.. If he remembers correctly the two turtles he had dropped were.. A red eared slider and a spiny soft shell turtle..

Lou Jitsu ran for a long while until he had found a place he could hide at for now with the two remaining turtles who were A Alligator Snapping Turtle and a little Box Turtle..

Draxum was furious as he looked at his destroyed lab, it would take years to rebuild.. He needed to start from the beginning again, he left the scene with Huginn and Muninn.

After hours Lou Jitsu sat awake as it was late at night, he sat in a box at the side of the rode in a small alleyway where noone could see him, he didn't want anyone to see him like this, the ooze had mixed the rat DNA with his and turned him into a Rat mutant. He didn't know what to do with himself nor where he should be going now, he couldn't go anywhere looking like this.

He needed to stay hidden away from humans to stay safe unless he wanted to be captured by the government and experimented on.. Lou sighed looking at his hands and felt horrible for dropping both of the turtles.. As he glanced over to the two remaining turtles he had saved he promised himself to make sure to keep them safe, he looked down at the snapping turtle who was fast asleep by now seeming pretty peaceful and then the box turtle who was crawling to Lou's hand rubbing his face against his hand holding onto it

The now Rat Mutant couldn't help but smile at that carefully scooping both up and holding them giving them a protective hug while also closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, he needed to rest, tomorrow he would need to search for a place to stay for himself and his turtles






Under the pile of rubble was a little movement seeable and shortly after the two turtles had managed to free themselves from under there looking around confused, where did the nice man go? Where did the other turtles go.. The soft shell and the red eared slider looked at eachother, the only thing they really had left were eachother, they had No place to stay..,
No food..,

Both the turtles brushed the dirt off themselves and tried to go together to look for food since both of them were really hungry.. They started to carefully walk around into the direction of the center of the hidden city...

Thousands of Yokai were walking around and since both of them were pretty small they were really lucky they didn't get squashed by a lot of giants in their eyes, both were pretty hungry and while one kept trying to ask people about food the other one stayed rather quiet, as they didn't find anything they managed to atleast find a spot where they could settle down and rest..
Cuddling up to eachother to keep eachother warm both of them closing their eyes and falling asleep in eachothers arms

It was a cold night but as they were sleeping they slowly opened their eyes to them being lifted up carefully, both were startled and scared as they tiredly looked up at the strangers..
One stranger couldn't help but chuckle a little as they handed each of them some food, which at first they hesitated to take it but ended up eating it without any further complain, both turtles looked satisfied up at the stranger holding them who had two more people standing behind them, as they yawned and rubbing their eyes the stranger spoke softly and patted their head as the red eared slider and the soft shell yawned and layed down again in the person's hands, the red eared slider leaned his head on the soft shells shell drifting off to sleep together

The moon shined bright and the town was pretty silent as it was really late just some quiet sounds were hearable along with the person who quietly spoke up again with a soft soothing voice while walking around, carrying them carefully with the two other people following close behind

"Sleep little turtley-boos, you have nothing to worry about anymore. Mama's here now.."

End of Prologue..

// HEY!
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR! And what you think happened, who is the stranger that took them?
Stay tuned for more! <3

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