3. everything fades away

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The headmaster orders all of the students to the great hall at 5 a.m. Everyone should be energetic and dressed in wizard robes, but no one knows what will happen; they just gather round like puzzle pieces.

Though Joshua didn't get enough sleep because he went back too late , the boy walks in on his own and looks around to see whether Seung Cheol is here. He believes that finding a noble son who is popular in their school will be easy. But something has changed. It's strange that he can't see Seung Cheol in such a packed room, despite the fact that his friends are all present.

Joshua can feel the hot blood racing through his veins, burning underneath his skin. He may feel the dread of losing a loved one or perhaps he's just paranoid, he wishes. What can happen if the classification test has not yet begun?

Ms. Agatha, the headmaster, walks slowly to the podium while everyone is still standing in line. People abruptly stop talking and attentively wait for Ms. Agatha to begin speaking. All eyes are on her.

"All of us come here in search of the greatest possible future for our land. But there is no denying that the path we chose would be fraught with difficulties. As we face it, adjusting is a solution that I believe you will understand. The group classification test is your first step."

With everyone's confused and uncomfortable reactions, Joshua can sense the tension growing. Nevertheless, a few are obviously so secure that they just confront reality with a grin.

"According to the results of the test, each of you will be assigned to one of three houses: Warrior, Healer, Explorer. You will either stay here at Serene High Tower or transfer to Rose-Quartz Citadel, depending on the state of Carat Land and the number of participants."

Seung Cheols' privileged friend group gathers in their own corner, giggling as if war were a game they simply could win or lose, as if war were only a phase. As Seung Cheol stated, "I can choose to stay." Joshua began to believe it.

He was once the golden son of a wealthy family, but not in a magical world. In Carat Land, Joshua Hong's nothing more than a wizard with Foreign blood. There is no title, no house. Unlike them.

These rich pals of Seung Cheol, with their strutting attitude, are particularly obnoxious as people like Joshua struggle to survive in this difficult time.

While he concentrates on those specific kids, flying booklets are being delivered from above and placed in front of everyone. Joshua hears Ms. Agatha's orotund voice.

"The booklet contains information. You must read to comprehend the process and, of course, to learn about your future house. Everything should be done by tomorrow morning."

Students were so astonished that they began to discuss it among themselves.

JeongHan approaches Joshua carefully, saying:

"Don't you think this is a rush?"

The boy hasn't responded yet despite hearing a familiar voice. His forhead wrinkles a little. As Joshua raises his head and gazes away from the booklet, he finds that Ms. Agatha's face is expressionless. Her lips move cautiously.

"I wish you all the best, as you are all my loved children and hopes."

Following that, students were dismissed. The teachers exited the room, leaving Joshua confused. Seung Cheol was nowhere to be seen.


Instead of returning to his room, Joshua chose to spend time in the library. In terms of this classification exam, Jeong Han and he are on the same page. There is clearly a rush. He's just not sure if Ms. Agatha believes that this method will work on such short notice.

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