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Today is my birthday. And it's very special to me, but not in the way you might think. Let's go back in time to the same day five years ago. I was at a wedding reception. Yes, where people judge the bride and groom based on the food they serve, and where guys look at girls and vice versa. I was scanning the menu, looking for something that would satisfy my stomach. I heard a girl doing the same thing as me behind me. After exchanging smiles, we began jointly rating each dish. After a while, she asked, "Hey, by the way, what's your name?" I don't know how it felt, but when she uttered my name before leaving, I never would have imagined that I would have loved to hear it so much. Her voice, the way she pronounced it, her eyes when she's happy, her smile—I felt like, "How do you say it?" Is there a way to put that feeling into words? I have no idea how or when to do it. But at that moment, I just whispered under my breath, "Where were you all this time?" and when I looked into her eyes, I felt like she was thinking the same thing.

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