-Finn's house-
Rachel's POV
I sat on the couch waiting for Finn and Puck to come inside, they were getting something from the kitchen. I looked around there was a picture of Finn he was wearing a polo with a big smile on his face. He looked very cute. He usually wore a polo to school. I looked down at what I was wearing. I wish I could be skinny and pretty like Quinn still.
I could hear the boys talking about something but then decided to tune it out. I then heard someone coming down the stairs, It was Kurt. Kurt was one of my best friends. He was carrying something but I didn't exactly see what it was. I knew Kurt had to go do something he was telling me this morning at school.
"Hey Kurt." I said.
"Oh hey Rachel." He replied.
"Where is the bathroom?" I asked.
"Down the hallway on the right." Kurt replied with a smile.
"Thanks." I told him.
I got up and quickly went into the last door on the right and went into the restroom. I didn't even turn the light on but then sat on the bathroom floor and cried. Tears streamed down my face as I put my face in my hands. I grabbed my purse and held the razor up to my arms. I couldn't decide if I wanted to or not so I just cried harder. I then made my decision and just dragged the razor against my arm. I then did the same on my leg. I sat there and cried for minutes then stopped crying but my eyes were still puffy and red. I then got up and went to go to the living room. I unlocked the bathroom door and opened the door back up.
Finn's POV
I talked to Puck about my crush on Rachel. I've always liked Rachel. She was easily the nicest and prettiest girls at WMHS William McKinley High School.
"Tell her how you feel." Puck told me.
"Okay." I said.
"Be nice to her Rachel is gentle and isn't like everyone else." Puck replied.
I thought about what Kurt and Santana said earlier in English class today. Puck sat in the recliner and I sat by Rachel on the couch. Rachel had no clue that I knew that she did that. I then started to wonder why she did it. There honestly had to be a reason on why she did it. I looked over at Rachel, she looked upset her eyes were swelled.
I keep starring at her because I then l just really wanted to help Rachel. I then coughed really loud. Everyone looked up from the novel. Puck then winked at me and mouthed "its now or never." I saw him do that in the corner of my eye and flipped him off and giggled to myself. I looked back at Rachel her eyes were a little less red/,I still wondered why her eyes were swollen and red.
I then thought of it, she was crying before we started to read. I felt bad I wish I could have helped her. I then glanced and saw a fresh new cut wound on her arm and leg. She didn't realize I was looking at her and felt bad. I hope she wont be mad if she finds out that I know. I just want her to be happy and safe. She was way to pretty inside and out for this to happen to her. I was going to show her how I feel, and kiss her tonight.
Rachel's POV
I listened to the chapter being read it was an interesting book, I liked I though. I glanced over and saw that Finn was starring at me. I thought to myself oh gosh he probably knows now. I didn't know what to say or do I really messed up my chances to be with Finn. He probably thinks that I'm a loser now. I just really wanted him to like me the way I like him.
I starred down at the grown and started shaking really bad. I could feel my heart beating really bad. Tears filled up in my brown eyes. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. It was Finn gosh he was so cute. I didn't know what he saw in me. I blinked my eyes and felt my lashes sweep.
"Rachel you really are awesome." Finn said to me.
My eyes widened "R-Really?" I said back.
"Yes Rachel." Finn smiled at me.
"I'm not really sure about that Finn." I replied back.
"Its true Rachel everything about you is and I am so lucky to be talking to you right now." Finn smiled at me.
"That's a lie." I teared up.
"No, No, No Rachel its true one hundred percent true. Believe me." Finn said calmly.
"Except I really will enjoy doing this with you Finn." I replied to Finn.
I leaned my head in and tilted it and kissed Finn on the lips . Gosh his lips were so soft they tasted and felt awesome. I felt Finn's hand, It was on my cheek and the other on my back. I placed my hand on his bicep and my other hand on his chest. He and I both smiled in the kiss. Finn made me feel like the luckiest and the prettiest girl ever to be alive now.
Finn's POV
I kept kissing Rachel, She had amazingly soft lips. I never really had the guts to kiss her till today tonight my night. I wish she would believe me when I tell her how gorgeous, great, and amazing she actually is. Kissing her was the best thing I could ever imagine and I loved her so much. Yes, love because I want to protect from the people who hurt her she is so much better than all of those people.
"Finn that was honestly so amazing and dreamy." Rachel smiled.
"There's that gorgeous smile Rachel." I said to her with a smile on my face.
"Oh stop it Finn." Rachel looked at me and blushed a ton.
"Its the truth though Rachel, Want anything to eat Rachel?" I asked her with a smile.
"Sure pretzels and water." Rachel looked at me and said.
I went to the kitchen and got a bowl of pretzels and got a glass down the counter top. I put some ice in it then the water. It was one of my favorite snacks to. I kept thinking to myself that I could help her so much. I really had a big heart for Rachel. Maybe she and I could eventually date and she could be my girlfriend and we could be an official couple, but what where the chances of that happening.
I know that Rachel's dads were not home a lot and she must get lonely a lot. That's it, that's when she cut most of the time. Because she know she wouldn't get caught. I then thought of it, I'll just invite her over more. Plus I loved seeing her anyway so I wouldn't mind.I walked back in the living room carrying the food. I saw Rachel smile brightly. She was so adorable when she smiled.
"Movie tonight Finn?" She asked me.
"Sure." I said with a very bright smile

An amazing girl for an amazing boy.
FanfictionRachel Berry has always liked Finn Hudson. Rachel isn't on top of the popular pyramid. She has realized Finn has started looking at her one day. Finn is Quarter back of William McKinley High School WMHS, and in Glee club he got most of his popularit...