Rachel's POV
-Finn's House-
Finn and I snuggled up on his couch watching a really good movie called Happy Gilmore. We kept laughing. This movie was a good movie and made us laugh. It was the first time I laughed and meant it in a while. Finn was so nice and actually a really cool guy and not a douche bag.
"This is one of my all time favorite movies." Finn said with a smile.
"It is really good." I smiled but then I yawned.
"Sleepy girl?" Finn asked with a half smile.
"No." I smiled but yawned again.
I was actually pretty tired that night but just didn't want to tell Finn that since he offered to watch a movie with me that night. I never imagined cuddling up to Finn Hudson, The quarter back of the football team and a loser like me. I didn't complain because I was enjoying this every single exact second. Finn actually had a heart for people unlike most. I always secretly imagined Finn and I dating which was so spectacular and wonderful for me to imagine.
"Finn can you pass me my water?" I asked.
"Yes sure." Finn gave It to me.
"Thank you very much Finn." I replied with a smile
I took a drink of the water and continued watching the movie. Finn was watching the movie and holding me closer and closer for some reason which is cute. I don't know why Finn didn't ask a cheerio or Quinn Fabray. The movie was getting better and better, I could hear,Carole Finn's mom cooking something in the kitchen for dinner that I was guessing.
"Oh that's Funny!." Finn laughed really loud.
"Yes it was.!" I giggled.
Tonight has actually turned out pretty okay. I mean I was with Finn. I really liked doing this with Finn. I couldn't wait to hang out with him more. He was so nice. And that's all I can think about.
Finn's POV
Rachel was so amazing and dreamy I honestly have no idea how she doesn't have a boyfriend. To me Rachel was absolutely perfect. I wish people were nicer to her since she was the one who deserved it. I don't know how she felt around me since I was supposedly super popular. Sometimes I wish that I wasn't friends with all the popular kids since they make fun of nice people like her.
I didn't think that Rachel would even notice but my arms have scars on them too. I used to do what Rachel did and now feel bad that I know people who picked on her and I used to go along with it. I had a tear fall and then it feel down my face and then felt another one fall. I was just happy Rachel didn't notice me crying because I would feel bad if I had to explain why. She laid in my arms so happy and smiling and enjoying herself and I was so happy to see that.
I was so surprised that Rachel seriously wanted to stay at my house, and wanted to watch a movie with me. Rachel was the girl that I have always had my eyes ever since we first meet and it was amazing. Why did Rachel have to be so sad I hated seeing her so sad it tore me apart badly inside. She should feel like the prettiest girl that has ever attended WMHS William McKinley High School she was so gorgeous. I then looked down and noticed that Rachel was fast asleep in my arms and it was so very cute.
Rachel's POV
-Finn's house later that night-
It was 10:00PM and I realized I was still in Finn's arm on Finn's living room couch. I pushed my hair out of my face and my eyes widened and remembered something out of the random. My dads were on a business trip and not close to Lima they were in Atlanta Georgia which is far away. I'm surprised that Finn didn't wake me up and make me go home already I felt bad for over staying. But I loved laying and sleeping in Finn's arms they made feel so protected and happy I loved it.
"Sleepy much?" Finn giggled.
"Yes." I said with a smile.
"You can stay the night here my mom wont mind it and I won't either." Finn smirked
"You sure?" I asked Finn.
"Yes." Finn smiled.
"Oh thank you so much." I smiled and said.
"Let me go get you some comfy pajamas Rachel." Finn said with a smile.
"Thanks Finn." I said again.
"No problem." Finn keep smiling while walking upstairs.
I sat up on the couch I was so excited I was sleeping over at the Finn Hudson's house. I don't know why he was okay with me Rachel Berry at his house. I wasn't a popular girl by any means and wasn't even in the in group at lunch time. I mean I guess the only pretty thing about me was my hair. I always got compliments on my hair.
"Here you go." Finn gave me William McKinley High School t-shirt and sweat pants.
"Thanks." I replied to Finn again.
"No problem, bathroom is down the hallway at the corner." Finn pointed with a smile.
I got up and went to down the hallway to the bathroom. I took off my dress and put the sweat pants and t-shirt on. They were really very comfy. Now I was going to cuddle Finn.
Finn's POV
I waited on Rachel to come out of the bathroom while she was in the bathroom I told my mom and she is letting Rachel sleep in my bed. I was so happy about this and wouldn't do anything to hurt her I want to protect her. She was the first girl who made me feel myself and I loved that about her personality she was great. I could hear foot steps down the hallway and knew it was her she had a very light footsteps cute. I took a drink of water while watching T.V. now.
"Hey Rachel you can sleep in my bed." We walked to my room upstairs.
"Really?" She said.
"Yes Rachel." I smiled.
"Thanks Finn." Rachel blushed a ton.
"No problem." I guided her to my room.
We go to my room and I opened the door. I got a pillow and blanket and padded the floor. I made it super nice and trying to make comfortable. I then got another spare pillow and fluffed it up. I then noticed Rachel was looking at me and smiled.
"Finn lets cuddle in bed together, you and I." Rachel smiled.
"R-Really?" I stuttered.
"Yes." Rachel blushed.
"Alright." I said excitedly.
I got into bed behind Rachel and cuddled her and wrapped my arms around her. She was so small and cute I just wanted to keep holding onto her. My clock read 10:30 and we were already laying in bed about to fall asleep she was so tired. My face was in her hair but I didn't mind it because she was so beautiful and my crush which was better. I wondered a lot to my self if she would ever like me back.
I then heard a noise and looked. It was Rachel who was fast asleep. I felt so happy to have her fall asleep safe. She deserved to be safe and had a huge smile on her face in sleep. I then saw the clock say 10:33 and drifted of asleep with Rachel.

An amazing girl for an amazing boy.
FanficRachel Berry has always liked Finn Hudson. Rachel isn't on top of the popular pyramid. She has realized Finn has started looking at her one day. Finn is Quarter back of William McKinley High School WMHS, and in Glee club he got most of his popularit...