Rachel's POV*at locker.*.
I was at my locker getting some of my books out of my locker smiling about this weekend that I had with Finn. Finn is a very good cook. I could hear all the chit-chat in the background, people were talking about parties and how they had fun they had a good time this weekend . Personally I think I had the best weekend and so did Finn. I couldn't get Finn out of my head he was so nice and cute.
I looked up and there Finn was talking to Noah Puckerman well you know Puck, I don't know exactly what they were saying. But Finn looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back. I really don't know why Finn talks to me I'm not popular and even that pretty to be honest. But it made feel like a little girl. His eyes melted my heart.
Finn started to approach me and my eyes got wider and wider. I fixed my cardigan sweater so it didn't look all wrinkled up that wouldn't look attractive at all. Finn keep getting closer to and smiled at him. I pushed my hair out of my face. I looked up at Finn.
Finn's POV
I walked to Rachel as my shoes hit the ground. People were all around in the hallway. You could basically say it was a typical high school hallway. I smirked up at Rachel she was a different type of girl. I then put in a piece of spearmint gum in my mouth to freshen my breathe up.
"Hey Rachel, you look absolutely gorgeous today." I stated.
"Oh really? I don't know how because i'm not that pretty Finn. She is so pre-" Finn cut Rachel off.
"Rachel. Your super pretty, your smile makes the brain of mine feel so happy." I smirked at Rachel.
"Thanks Finn that means a lot to me and makes me very happy." Rachel gave him a big smile.
"Ready to go to class, We can walk together." I smiled and blushed at Rachel.
"Wait, me really?" Rachel looked up and questioned Finn.
"Yes you Rachel Berry, you see were friends. Good friends." Finn looked down on Rachel with a huge big smile.
"Aright lets go!" Rachel Chuckled.
"Go were?" Finn cocked his head to the right.
"Class." Rachel said.
I grabbed my books Rachel did too. She was so pretty. I like her. More than friends for sure. I need to ask her to homecoming or to be mine I really cared about her she just wasn't like anyone I like that. She had the nicest hair ever literally. I keep walking by her to our way to class.
-later that day at lunch-
Rachel's POV
I went to my lunch table and open up my lunch box. I pushed my brown hair out of the way. In my lunch box was lots of good food. I usually packed my lunch the night before. Lunch was always good.
"Hey Rachel anyone sitting beside you?" Finn came up to me and asked.
"Nope your free to sit here." I chuckled.
"Thanks Rachel." Finn pulled out his chair and sat down right beside me.
I then ate a grape that was full of healthy tasty flavored and was looking at Finn. He had the cutest eyes in the world they were like Hershey's milk chocolate. I wanted to kiss his lips so bad right now. His lips were soft and smooth. He smiled at me and I could feel my heart melt. His hair looked so fluffy right now damn.
"Rachel?" Finn said.
"Yeah?" I asked looking up into his eyes.
"You okay?" Finn asked me.
"Yes sorry, I'm really tired." I lied distracted into his cuteness.
"Oh okay, I am too." Finn laughed and looked at me.
"Yes." I blushed tomato red.
"Follow me." Finn said.
We went outside to the football field. I was so afraid we'd get in trouble. We keep walking. I was afraid to ask why. Finn looked nervous yet determined. He then turned around and looked at me with his beautiful chocolate eyes.
"Hey I'll be back." Finn said.
I stood there waiting seconds, minutes. I looked and then saw something. It was Finn he was dressed as...DEADPOOL. And had a poster. I was speechless.
"Rachel nobody can kill me but your looks can. Will you be my homecoming date." Finn said nervously.Finn's POV
I stood there nervous as a tic I was like a little kid. I started sweating a lot. I started at Rachel in the eyes. She needs to say yes I'll do anything for her. I needed her to say yes to me I'll make her feel the prettiest one at the dance and that is a promise.
"YES YES YES YES YES YES." Rachel said smiling with a big smile.
"YES?!" I said with excitement.
I picked her up and skinned her I loved seeing Rachel happy. Rachel always made me feel so happy with myself. I picked her up and spinner her. I held her close and she smiled and giggled which was so adorable. Rachel was amazing.
"This is amazing I'm so so excited." Rachel said breathing heavy.
"I am to, send me a picture in dress I want want to match the colors and everything and see your pretty face." Finn said to Rachel.
"This is going to be so much fun! I care so much about both of us having fun!" Finn smiled and smirked.
Rachel literally the brightest cheeks in the world. I pinched her cheeks lightly and giggled. She was so pretty in my eyes. I hope she thinks I was cute enough. The next thing I had to do was ask her to be my girlfriend at the dance.Rachel's POV
I can't wait till homecoming now! I never thought Finn Hudson the quarter back of WMHS William McKinley High School. He had so many options such as the Cheerios but picked me. He was so amazing and I can't wait to spend the night dancing with him it's a dream come true for me! Why did he choose me I have no idea but I was perfectly content by him asking me to be his date to the homecoming dance.
"Finn I'm getting my dress, and many shoes and everything nice tonight so I look my best for you the night of homecoming." I said with a huge smile on my face.
"Rachel you'll literally look fantastic no matter what you wear I promise you that you will you will." Finn said with a very handsome smile on his face
"I hope I do because I want to look amazing and this means so much to me it really does Finn." I pushed my hair behind my hair and blushed really red.
"Well your always pretty Rachel and I mean that. I sincerely do. Not many people do but your one in a million I really do believe that." Finn said that with a big smirk on his face.
"Cute half smile Finn." I chuckled.
"Aha haha thank you Mrs.Rachel Berry your smile is pretty cute." Finn said back.
"We should get back to lunch since we're both kinda really hungry.
"True." Fun said chuckling.
We walked off the football felid giggling and everything. I couldn't help but get smiling. He and I would dance. This meant so much to me.i couldn't wait to get dancing!!!

An amazing girl for an amazing boy.
FanfictionRachel Berry has always liked Finn Hudson. Rachel isn't on top of the popular pyramid. She has realized Finn has started looking at her one day. Finn is Quarter back of William McKinley High School WMHS, and in Glee club he got most of his popularit...