Chapter 1 - Pure questions

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Hermione exited the floo and slumped down onto the sofa. She turned on her TV for some background noise to escape from her racing thoughts about everything that had transpired in the last 24 hours. Tilting her head back she took a deep breath, today was one of the worst days of her life.

Life hadn't been easy since the war ended, but she was keeping her head above the water and making it through each day. Physically she was fine, minus a few scars here and there but she couldn't even begin to process her emotions.

It wasn't just her who had trouble adapting to life with no war, she could see it affected everyone in their own way but no one spoke about it, it was like a nightmare everyone wanted to push to the deepest crevices of their minds, luckily with work, she was kept busy but most days she felt like she was on autopilot.

Harry and Hermione had always been close but that last year before the war was the closest they had ever been, after Ron abandoned them they had only each other to rely on, but now even though they worked in the same building and saw each other frequently in passing she couldn't say she really knew the man anymore and that made her sad.

They were doing great in their respective roles but that meant less time for a personal life, Ron on the other hand she had not seen him for a few months. They all began working at the ministry around the same time 9 months ago.

Harry and Ron began training at Auror's as soon as they could, they were fast-tracked, being a part of the golden trio and defeating the dark lord definitely had its perks.

She took a different route and decided her efforts would be best spent helping magical creatures. Harry agreed that this would be the perfect role for her, something she could build her career in, something she could be passionate about.

He understood how much the war had taken from her, and how she did not want to be on the battlefield anymore, her time would be better spent researching, defending and creating laws to make change happen.

That is where Ron disagreed...

"You're breaking the trio up Hermione" he spat.

"Don't be so stupid Ronald, I can't just tag along on to everything you guys decide to do. I have my own plans, my own aspirations, besides I'll be working in the same building, it's not like we'll never see each other!"

He rolled his eyes and turned to face Harry who was eagerly trying to slip back into the Weasley's house from the front porch they had taken hostage "Harry, you agree, don't you? We all had a plan"

Hermione huffed and cut Harry off as he slowly turned to reply "Plans change, people change. I would never expect either of you to do something that made you unhappy" she said waving her hand dismissively

Ron snapped around to face her again "Oh, so we make you unhappy? Or is it just me?" He was shouting now, his chest was rising and falling fast and his face turning a shade of red similar to his hair

"I never said either of you make me unhappy!" she said with a stern voice keeping her eyes locked onto Rons.

"I'm saying I don't think being an Auror is the right thing for me anymore. I'm trying to figure out who I am, during the war being an Auror seemed like the only reasonable thing to do, but now I feel as if I have more time, more of a choice."

Harry ran his fingers through his shaggy brown curls and stepped towards her, he rubbed her shoulder and she felt herself calm into his touch. "Hermione, you should do what makes you happy, and we will support you 100 percent of the way"

She looked at him and smiled and mouthed a thank you. He was looking at her with his signature Harry half smile that made you feel seen and heard, he turned to Ron and lowered his voice "Won't we Ron"

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