The accumulation of disastrous choices

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"You can't be this stupid!" Pansy huffed as she stood up suddenly, accidentally knocking the table as she did. "Have you not paid attention to anything we've said?"

Hermione waved her wand to stabilise the glasses before they fell over. She had mistakenly mentioned her plan to Pansy and Adrain...well they spotted her trying to sneak out, she had made it out of the kitchen and down the hall before they caught her looking rather sketchy.

This maze of a house caught her out once again, she needed someone to give her a tour but she was sure it would take days because of the sheer size of it.

Pansy had pulled her into the living room and sat her down before ranting away about the carelessness of what she had planned. She had told them she would return to her place to collect a few things that others would have missed, and then come back here and prepare for her first day back at work.

"I bloody hate that I'm about to say this." Adrain sat forward. "But Pansy is right."

"Thank you! But when am I not?" Pansy huffed, crossing her arms.

He rolled his eyes and continued, "Plus like Draco said, once you leave these wards, you aren't protected" he shrugged.

Hermione scoffed, thinking back to her conversation with Malfoy. She knew being here was a saving grace, she was protected in more ways than one but this wasn't who she was, she wasn't someone who needed to be shielded from the bad and tucked away safe, she had done enough of that already.

"So are you all just reporting to each other every conversation you have with me?"

"No, we aren't school girls." He mocked childishly. "We watched on the cameras," he said casually, motioning to the corner of the room where a mini camera sat.

Her eyes widened, she didn't think to look for muggle cameras. How many were there and why did they even have them?

"Great, so I'm now in some fucked up pureblood reality show" Hermione muttered, scanning the room for more cameras.

Pansy and Adrain looked at each other confused and then looked back at her "Huh?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and held back her questions and her annoyance at the invasion of privacy and moved on, choosing to pick it up with them another time "So what do you suggest? I can't just do nothing"

"No, that's not what we are saying" Pansy sighed and sat back down.

She appreciated Pansy's worry, but after her conversation with Luna, she knew hiding would not achieve anything. She had time to assess the situation, and even though she knew staying here was her only option right now, she would not be a prisoner.

"I know what you are going through right now is hard and you have no idea where to turn or what to do but you need a plan" Pansy spoke softly.

"I already told you my pla.."

Pansy held her hand up to stop her "A real plan, not this half-assed suicide attempt"

Hermione took a breath, she could feel this was getting nowhere. "Look I appreciate you all think you are helping but I am not hiding away, I need to get back out there and get to the bottom of this all."

Pansy snapped "Think we are helping?! Draco and Blaise are already investigating what they can and keeping tabs on the ministry. Theo has been up to his eyeballs in research about that curse and Adrain and I have been trying to gather any information we can, we even let Loony Lovegood into the house!

"Luna" Hermione muttered through her shock, unable to stop herself from correcting her.

Pansy glared at her and continued "We are all barely sleeping! It's Sunday for crying out loud and no one Is home because we want to help you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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