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At 7:30 in the morning Kelly got up, with just some hours of sleep, and got a shower. Gibbs was still down stairs but when he heard the water splashing and went to kitchen to make the breakfast. After her shower Kelly went down with her hair still wet, dripping water. She kissed her father good morning and asked:
- Did you get any sleep?
-No. Did you?
-Some. Where is he?
-He's still sleeping upstairs, I'm going to wake him up- Gibbs said going towards the stairs
-I'm going with you for work
-Don't you have classes?
-I do, but I tought I'd do Tony company since it's his first day with us.
Gibbs gave a little smile as he said
-But it's just once!
-Yes, sir.
Gibbs got to the top floor and went for the guests room. He opened the door and saw that Tony was already up and getting dressed.
-Good you're awake. I tought you were still sleeping
-I'm an early bird, I guess.
-I've made some eggs and toasts for breakfast down stairs
-Thanks, is there any coffe?
-You drink coffee?-gibbs asked surprised
-Sometimes, when feel tired
-Sure there is. Do you need any help putting on that shoe?
-No I think I got it.
He put the shoe on but when he got up, he stumbled I little so gibbs brought him down with his arm around his neck. But at some point on the stairs, when he saw Kelly, he tryed to do it on his own. It hurt like hell Gibbs tought but he was determined to do it himself.
-Good morning, Kelly- Tony greeted
-Good morning. Sleep well?- Kelly asked
-Sure, the bed was very comfortable.
-Good- Kelly said running out of things to talk about
-Now here is your coffee Tony. And hurry up we've got to go to work
-You two are going with me to work- Gibbs told them
-Don't worry it will be cool
-Are you ready?
-Good to go- kelly said
-Me too- Tony said drinking his coffee to the end
-Alright lets go.
Gibbs trew his car keys to Kelly and she went quickly to the door. Tony went righ behind her at his own speed, limping a bit. And Gibbs went behind the two.
Kelly went to the back of the car as did Tony and Gibbs went for the wheel. He drove to the navy yard. But on the way stopped for an other coffee.
-Where do you work sir?-Tony asked
-In a navy yard and call me gibbs
-You're a naval officer, sir?
- Gibbs, and no I investigate the murderes of naval officers.
- We're here.- Gibbs said as he drove trow the front gates.
-Good morning agent Gibbs. And morning Kelly
-Good morning mrs silva- Kelly greeted the guard
They went to the parking lot for Gibbs to park his car and got in the elevator that lead them to the squad room.

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