The team

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-Hey Gibbs had a good weekend?- a man said heading towards him.
Kelly was right beside Gibbs and Tony was a little bit behind.
-It went well,Paci.
-Good. Kellyy! my favorite girl. So what brings you here, at the navy yard? Ohh?! is that your boyfriend, did your father caught escaping from your room.
-Nooo Paci, he is just a friend.-Kelly answered paci woth a diferent tone like she was mocking him
-Kelly can you go tell Abby that I'm alredy here and that she can call me?
-Sure dad
-Thanks sweetie
Kelly went to elevator and Tony stayed in the squad room observing everything around him, while paci and Gibbs talked
-So Gibbs who's that?
-I found asking for a ride on my way back from Stillwater.
-And what you gave him ride?!
-Well, yeah paci I did, and also let him stay at my home for the nigt
-Gibbs what were you thinking?
-What do you suggest that I left him there, for some guy to take him
-No but... Do you know why he was on the side of the road?
-He said his father was a drunk and his mother had passed way so he ran away.
-What's name?
-Tony Dinozzo
-Alright and do you know what's his father's name or where he is?
-No, but I was thinking about asking him- Gibbs ended the conversation asking Tony:
-So, Tony what did you said your father's name was?
-I din't- he said
- That went well, don't you think
Gibbs headslaped Paci on the back of head
-Why did you hit him?-Tony asked
-To snap him out of it! What's father's name, since I didn't asked before
Tony didn't wanted him to discover his father's name so he improvised.
-Danny Zucco
-Who do you think I am, I watch TV too! That's the name of Jonh Travolta's character on grease.
Tony was embaresed. He sould have tought about something else.
-Ok ok... He is Anthony Dinozzo...
-That's yours...
-Senior, Anthony Dinozzo senior

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