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Wonwoo's Pov...

Life isn't as easy as we deem it to be. Sometimes being alone is far more better then with being people. I had always been a shy and introverted person. My parents found it cute that how much red I would turn when I had to talk to new people. Never in my million thoughts I thought that I would be bullied for this reason. My first day at high school was quite a scene to see. Getting hit in the shin as soon as I walked inside the Hallway was a scene to see and an experience to have. You may found it weird how I am talking about my life like it is a joke. Well it is kind of.

I walked down the hallway to my classroom. It's my senior year starting this year. And I don't know how to spend the rest of time here.
This school makes me suffocate and I wanna run away from here but at same time I don't want to waste my parents hard earned money.
As I was walking I bumped into someone. Well great day to start a senior year. I looked up and I knew who It was because of snickering voices. It is my bully junyeon. I don't like him at all. Well that's obvious as he is my bully but still he doesn't even deserves to be like. He is just that bad as a person.

"Oh look who we have here. It's almighty vice president of student council Jeon Wonwoo."
He says smiling creepily and I felt my insides twisting at it. I hate it that I get scared of him so easily. But now I don't wanna spend my last year as a coward. I have to stand up for myself.
'you can do this wonwoo.' I cheered myself in my mind and boom. I smiled happily as I finally stopped the punch for the first time that junyeon was throwing at me. I was shocked. I twisted his hand, smiling maniacally. "What the Fuck Jeon. Leave my fucking hand. Loser. Or else it won't be good for you." He screamed for me to leave his fist but I didn't.

"You're so dead Junyeon." I said and kicked on his shin just liked the way he kicked mine at my first day in here. "This is for shattering my dreams of highschool." I punched on his stomach next. "And this is for ruining my years." After that I left him groaning in pain on floor. I looked up from him and found everyone starring at me in shock. "If you don't want this to happen to you. Stay away from me." I said with blank face and cold voice. They all shuddered in fear and I found it appealing. This time I won't let anyone step on me. I would stand for myself.

Pov ends...

"That was cool dude." Wonwoo flinches when someone throws their arms around his shoulder and starts to walk alongside him. "Who are you?" Wonwoo asks side eyeing the smiling boy. The boy had a big smile which hide his eyes and makes them small than they already are. 'can he even sees after smiling so wide?' Wonwoo thinks to himself. " i am Soonyoung and from now on you're my bestie." Soonyoung says and again smiles big."wha-" Wonwoo didn't even got to complete his sentence as Soonyoung drags him. "We're going to meet my other friends and guess what you are the new member of our group." Soonyoung happily chirps.

"Wait Soonyoung." Wonwoo says, stopping. "Why?" Soonyoung asks as soon as they came to stop. "I'm not like you soonyoung. I'm not a famous person  to be in your group. I'm just a loser." Wonwoo says looking down. His voice goes small with every word. "Huh?" Wonwoo looks up confused when he hears Soonyoung's loud laugh. "What happened?"
"Who told you we are a famous group?" Wonwoo was now more confused. Soonyoung wipes his tears which started to pour down his eyes due to laughing hard. "You're so cute Wonwoo-yaa. We aren't some famous group and all. We are a bunch of losers, who came together as a group. We are the FREAKS."
Soonyoung smiles widely and Wonwoo just stares at him.

That day Wonwoo didn't knew a stranger group of just a bunch of losers would turn out to be a family to him...


So here is the official first chapter of freaks. As I told before I would write this book In four people's pov...
Joshua, Wonwoo, Taehyung and Jeonghan.
Maybe Yoongi too as he is the main reason of freaks forming so him too...

I hope you like it..

Lastly, make sure to leave your thoughts...

Stan BTS and SEVENTEEN for fair skin~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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