The Enchanted Forest

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"Yes, everyone's out and safe. Here, take one of these. You okay there, Olaf?" Anna asked as children were playing with his body parts. "Oh Yeah. We're calling this, "controlling what you can when things feel out of control" Olaf said. "Okay, I don't understand. You two have been hearing a voice and you didn't think you would tell me?" Anna asked. "We didn't wanna worry you." You said. "We made a promise not to shut each other out! Just tell me what's going on!" Anna said. "I woke the magical spirits at the Enchanted Forest." You said. Anna looked surprised. "Okay, that is definitely not what what I thought you were gonna say. Wait, the Enchanted Forest? The one father warned us about?" Anna asked. "Yes." You said. "Why would you do that?" Anna asked. "Because of the voice... I know it sounds crazy, but I believe whoever is calling us, is good." You said. "How can you say that? Look at our kingdom!" Anna said. "I know, it's just that our magic can feel it. We can feel it." Elsa said. "Okay." Anna said. Suddenly there was rumbling. "Oh no, what now?" She asked. "The Trolls?" Kristoff asked as The Trolls appeared. "Kristoff, we missed you!" Bulda said. "Pabbie!" Anna said. "There was never a dull moment with you three. I hope you're prepared for what you have done, (Y/n). Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart." Pabbie said. "Why are they still angry? What does this all of this have to do with Arendelle?" Anna asked. "Let me see what I can see. The past is not what it seems. A wrong demands to be righted. Arendelle is not safe. The truth must be found. Without it... I see no future." Pabbie said.

"No future?" Anna asked. "When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing." Pabbie said. "The next right thing, is for Elsa and I to go to the Enchanted Forest and find that voice. Kristoff, can we borrow your wagon, and Sven?" You asked. "I'm not very comfortable with the idea of that." Kristoff said. "You two are not going by yourselves." Anna said. "Anna, no. We have our powers to protect us, you don't." Elsa said. "Excuse me, I climbed to the North Mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex-boyfriend, and I did it all without powers, so, you know, I'm coming." Anna said. "Me too, I'll drive." Kristoff said. "I'll bring the snacks!" Olaf said. "I will look after your people." Pabbie said. "Please make sure they stay out of the kingdom until we return." Anna said. "Of course." Pabbie said. "Let's let them know." Elsa said. "Anna, I'm worried for them. We have always feared their powers were too much for this world, now, we must pray they are enough." Pabbie said. "I won't let anything happen to them." Anna said.

Time Skip

"Who wants a trivia? I am, okay! Did you know that water has memory? True fact, it's disputed by many, but it's true. Did you know we are ever six times more likely to be struck by lightning? Did you know Gorillas burp when they're happy? Did you know we blinked 4 million times a day? Did you know that pies come in squares?" Olaf asked. "Did you know that sleeping quietly on long journeys prevents insanity?" You asked. Olaf laughed. "Yeah, that's not true." Olaf said. "It is." Kristoff said. "It is defenitely true." Elsa said. "It's the truth." Anna said. "Hmm, well, that was unanimous. But I will look it up when we get home." Olaf said. After a while, you, Elsa and Olaf had fallen asleep. "They're all asleep. So ... what do you wanna do?" Anna asked. "Sven, keep us steady, will you? Anna? Ahem! Anna, remember our first trip like this when I said you have to be crazy to want marry a man you just met?" Kristoff asked. "Wait, what? Crazy? You didn't say I was crazy, you think I'm crazy?" Anna asked. "No, I did, you were. Not crazy, clearly." He chuckled. "Just naive, not naive, just ah.. just, new to love. Like I was, and, when you're new, you are bound to get it .. wrong." Kristoff said. "So you're saying, I'm wrong for you?" Anna asked. "What? No, no, (Voice sounds off) I'm not saying you're wrong, or crazy, I'm saying--" Kristoff said. You gasped and woke up as you and Elsa heard the voice again. You quickly got out of the wagon.

"Kristoff, stop, please." Elsa said. "Good idea." He said. "We hear it. We hear the voice." You said. "You do? Olaf, wake up." Anna said. "Whoa." You said as you saw the forest. "Wow." Anna said. Kristoff tries to get in first, but is blocked off until Elsa opens the fog. "Promise me, we do this together, okay?" Anna asked. "We promise." You said. You all enter the fog. "It's okay." Kristoff said, trying to comfort his reindeer. "Did you know that the Enchanted Forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means, but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us." Olaf said. The Wind Spirit pushes you out of the foggy area. "We're locked in. I did not see that one coming." Anna said. "This forest is beautiful!" Elsa said. "The Dam ... It still stands. It was in GrandPabbie's visions, but why?" Anna asked. "I don't know, but it's still in good shape, thank goodness." Kristoff said. "What do you mean?" Anna asked. "Well if that Dam broke, it would send a tidal wave so big, it would wash away everything on this fjord." Kristoff said. "Everything? But.. Arendelle is on this fjord." Anna said. "Nothing gonna to happen to Arendelle, Anna, it's gonna be fine. Come here. You know, under different circumstances, this would be a... very romantic place. Don't you think?" Kristoff asked. "Different circumstances? You mean like with someone else?" Anna asked. "What? No, no, I'm saying, just in case we don't make it out of here..." Kristoff said. "You don't think we're gonna make out of here?" Anna asked. "No, no, I mean, no, we will make it out of here. Well, technically the odds are kinda complicated, but my point is...." Kristoff said.

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